Photoshop Lomography Photo Action
Talking about Photoshop.
I am always looking for nice effects to give to my photos.
The “Lomo” effect is one of them.
From Wikipedia: Lomography is a commercial trademark of Lomographische AG, Austria for products and services related to photography. The name is licensed from a former state-run optics company LOMO PLC in St. Petersburg, Russia. The 35 mm LOMO LC-A camera employed an unusual lens which produced large amounts of distortion at the edges of the image whilst keeping the center sharp, and was promoted by businessmen from Austria with international gallery shows.
Lomography emphasizes casual, snapshot photography. Accidents such as over-saturated colors, lens artifacts, and exposure defects are rehabilitated to produce swirly, abstract effects — a trait emphasized by practitioners. Others use the technique to document everyday life, because the small camera size and ability to shoot in low light encourages candid photography, photo reportage and photo vérité.
The lens effect (although perhaps not the philosophy) can be partially emulated in photo-editing programs, such as Gimp or Photoshop.
Why not creating an action that to automatically emulate Lomography? Here it is!!!
I divided the action into two parts: the first one with just saturation/brightness/contrast adjustments, and the second one with edge blurring.
after saturation/brightness/contrast adjustments
final result
If you use this action and are satisfied of the result, please tell me where to find your before/after photos to add them to my example page, and help me with your feedback.
This is a photo sent me by Tim Stet ( using my lomography action
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