Perfect maze generation – tile based version
You may wonder why I am publishing another maze script. The reason is simple: in Perfect maze generation with AS3 post and previous ones I just showed you how to make a perfect maze, but it’s not the kind of maze you can use in tile based or roguelike games. Why not? Because walls aren’t … Perfect maze generation – tile based version
Perfect maze generation with AS3
I already talked about perfect mazes a couple of years ago with Step by step perfect maze generation with php and Perfect maze generation with Flash actionscript, but now it’s time to make it with AS3 and understand how can we use a perfect maze. Think about a perfect maze as a maze with no … Perfect maze generation with AS3
Perfect maze generation with Flash actionscript
In a perfect maze, there is one and only one path from any point in the maze to any other point. That is, there are no inaccessible sections, no circular paths, and no open regions. Viewing a maze as a two-dimensional matrix of square cells, a perfect maze is one in which any two cells … Perfect maze generation with Flash actionscript
Step by step perfect maze generation with php
This is a project I made for teaching purpose. First of all, let’s see what is a perfect maze. From Maze Works: A perfect maze is defined as a maze which has one and only one path from any point in the maze to any other point. This means that the maze has no inaccessible … Step by step perfect maze generation with php