XML driven Flash slideshow improved

Talking about Flash and Users contributions.

It’s amazing how resources and scripts get improved from user to user.

Christoph B. sent me a improved version of the XML driven Flash slideshow based on a script by Sephiroth I improved.

Does it sound messy? Let’s understand what happened:

1) Sephiroth published the gallery
2) I improved Sephy’s gallery
3) Christoph improved my gallery, here it is his message:

“I’ve modified the sources for the XML driven slideshow a little bit to include the LINK attribute as well. Thought you might be interested in it.”

The final result is a XML driven Flash Gallery where you can custom images, image transitions, pauses between image transitions and, thanks to Christoph, url to be redirected when you click on an image.

This is the XML that drives the gallery, commented by Chris.


Download the gallery and enjoy