Experiment: monetizing a Flash game – Part 6

Talking about Flash, Game development and Monetize.

Multipart tutorial: available parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

The sixth part of the experiment comes with a milestone of Circle Chain game: it reached 200,000 MochiAds impressions.

I stopped promoting the game three weeks ago and the game, launched on october 28th, still shows more than 3,000 impressions/day.

I know it’s quite ridiculous compared to some blockbusters like Bloons, but remember that I made the game in three hours and I spent an hour promoting it.

Let’s see some stats:

Mochiads: 200,826 impressions -> $67.55
Kongregate: 1,717 impressions -> $0.27
Adsense: 26,595 impressions
Paypal Donations: $5 (I received a “beer” of $10 from the experiment post but the donor did not mention if it was for the experiment or for the game, so I am considering $5 for the experiment and $5 for the game itself)

For a total of $193.30… that’s $0.92 per line of code… brackets included!


The Paypal donation gives me an idea: what about including a “donate” button in your game? Obviously there is no need to pay for a free flash game, but I could say the game is released with source code (with a link to the source) and fully commented because I relying on developers donations.

I don’t know at this time if this will work or not… I know of a clone of my Create a Flash ball game with visual from above tutorial sold for $400 without buying me a beer so maybe it’s a bad idea… but come on! An experiment should consider all ideas, not only the good ones.

Now, let’s start with bad news…

Christmas Couples

I released Christmas Couples as the second game to take part of the experiment and people at NG and Kongregate did not like it.
They complained about the lack of powerups and bonuses, and a player said “I love the Tuts but if you’re going to submit a game make sure it’s fun to play, not just well made.”

That’s right… people want funny games and maybe Christmas Couples it’s not the funniest game ever produced.

Turning a failure into a success

I have some ideas to turn this failure into a success… or at least turning it into a not-so-bad project. I submitted the game to various portals but at the moment most submissions are still pending… at the moment the game scored $0.57 (yes! less than a buck) but I hope to raise this income in a week or two.

I googled for Circle Chain and the top results are:

The Game Homepage (submit form with registration required at this page)
Funny Games (contact at miluska[at]funny-games.biz)
Dig Your Own Grave (contat at contact[at]digyourowngrave.com)
Gameshot (contact at email[at]gameshot.org)
Internet Games 247 (contact at internetgames247[at]gmail.com)

I am going to send some mails to ask the inclusion of Christmas Couples and see what happens.

How’s going with MochiAds out there?

This is another question I am asking… I referred 40 developers (18 in October, 20 in November, 2 in December) and nobody reached the $100 payout. I know it’s just a matter of time, but I wonder how many of those 40 developers submitted a game, and when.

Well, that’s all at the moment, I’ll be back when I’ll have some interesting news.

Multipart tutorial: available parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9