Creation of a Flash arcade site using WordPress – step 3
Talking about WordPress.
This is the hardest part of the tutorial.
If you survive to this one, you portal is almost done.
Before starting, I made some changes to the way of inserting posts described in part 2.
I completely removed the post content and saved description and instructions as custom fiedls, like in this picture:
Now, you have to know WP stores your post and post information in a collection of tables.
When you click on “Publish” to update your blog, new entries are generated for your post.
If you want to auto-feed a WP blog, you must do the same operations WP does when you click on “Publish”.
So you have to know most of WP tables and their fields.
Every table has a prefix, usually wp_
, that is saved in your wp-config.php
file in this line:
$table_prefix = 'your_prefix';
So I am going to explain tables calling with their real names, without the prefix.
But, as said, in most cases what I call (as example) postmeta
you should find it with wp_postmeta
Let’s browse the tables:
postmeta table
In the postmeta
WP stores the meta-data (aka custom fields) of every post.
Here it is the table:
is the primary key of the table.
A primary key is a unique index where all key columns must be defined as not null
(it means they must have a value). If they are not explicitly declared as not null
, MySQL declares them so implicitly.
We’ll see later how to make use of it… meanwhile just think about meta_id
as an internal, unique id of the table.
is the primary key (the internal, unique id) of the post in which I defined the tag.
The post with post_id
= 3
is the one where I listed Jamag. You’ll see later how do I know that Jamag = 3
is the physical name of the key I assigned in this post Creation of a Flash arcade site using WordPress – step 2.
is the value of the meta data I assigned as before.
term_taxonomy table
In this table we can find the names and (more important) the ids of terms used in the blog
is the unique id of this table
is the id of the term. You’ll see later what does it represent.
represents the type of the taxonomy. We are interested in the ones marked as category
because they represent the categories of the blog, and post_tag
because they are the tags of the blog
is the blog description of the taxonomy
represents the parent of the taxonomy if any (0 = no parents)
counts the number of posts using that taxonomy. At the moment we have one game listed in Action games and Other games, and that’s why count
is equal to 1
in those rows.
terms table
Another table to manage terms
is the unique id
is the name of the term
is the slug of the term
help us to see if terms are group but we will simply ignore it
Now, let’s make a real world example: term_id 3
in terms
table refers to something called Action
with action slug
… and looking for a 3
in the term_id
column of the term_taxonomy
table we know that “something” is a category with one post and described as Flash Action games.
terms_relationships table
This is the core table, the one that links every table to another
is the unique id of the object we are considering. As example, a post is an object.
is the term_taxonomy_id
field in the term_taxonomy
isn’t of any interest at the moment
What do we know now? Well, since Jamag is object number 3 (you’ll see later why), we know from this table that the object 3 refers to term_taxonomy_id
s 2, 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 that mean blogroll (not interesting), Action, Other, mouse, avoid, avoider and Leaderboard enabled… that are the categories and the tags I assigned to Jamag.
posts table
stores the post themselves. It’s a very large table so I am going to split it in three parts
is the unique id of the post. Now you know Jamag has id
= 3
is the author of the post, in this case the admin
and post_date_gmt
are both local and GMT timestamps of the post
is the content of the post. Look at id
= 3
: there is no content because I moved all the content into the meta data
is the title of the post
is not the category of the post, so don’t care about it
is the excerpt of the post, but no content = no excerpt
represents the status of the post. Only the ones with publish
status are visible, I could remove all other ones.
when set to open
means users can comment the post
does the same thing with ping services
should remain blank because we want all posts to be accessible to everybody
post_name is the internal name of the post
and pinged
represent the pings of the post while post_modified
and post_modified_gmt
are the timestamps of the last modification of the post.
and post_parent
aren’t of any use in our project
guid is the real url of the post. Remember that good sites do not use real urls but act on .htaccess… I suggest you to read How to generate friendly URLs with .htaccess and How to generate friendly URLs with .htaccess – part 2 even if you don’t need to know all these tricks because WP manages everything by itself.
isn’t of any use in our project
represent a real post when set to post
is not used in our project
represents the number of comments the post received
That’s all we need to know.
Now, it’s just a matter of a little php script to feed tables.
Stay tuned…
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