Talking about Flash, Game development and Monetize.

On october 28th, 2007, exactly one year ago, I started an experiment about monetizing a Flash game and released a one-day game called Circle Chain.

Since that day, I published a total of 10 games.

If you want to know more about the games, read the posts about Circle Chain, Christmas Couples, TileBall, GuessNext, Glomb, BallBalance, Bees n’ Flowers, Jamag, Summer Couples and RRODE.

But I think the real question you are asking is: how about the money?

Well, I have to say it’s not an easy question for two reasons:

1) Some games have been self sponsored to promote my blog and my brand, so I should add a percentual of this blog income, or determine an amount I would pay as a sponsor and add to the grand total.

2) Making these games made a multimedia company located in Italy hire me for a Flash related job, so I should add the income for that job, but since I passed the job to my company it would be really really a mess to determine the income due to my games.

So I decided to post the earnings based only on the games themselves… so forget points 1 and 2 because they are not included in the report.

MochiAds: $4,628.18
Third part sponsorship: $4,000.00
API integration: $250.00
Donations: $124.00
Google Adsense: $390.77
Revenue Sharing: $20.80

Grand total: $9,413.75

It’s not that bad for something started as an experiment made in the very spare time.

So I decided to make things a bit more seriously for the year to come and double the income.

Income goal from now to october 28th, 2009: $9,413.75 * 2 = $18,827.50

It should not be a big problem since I still have some passive income due to these 10 games.

Do you want to try by yourself?

You can do it… just follow these simple steps:

1) Sign up to MochiAds. This company allows you to ake money from every game play and offers some more interesting services such as leaderboards, link tracking, and so on

2) Sign up to MochiBot, a free service to determine Flash games popularity

3) Sign up to FlashGameLicense, the place to buy and sell Flash games. Read a review about this service here

4) Think about a game design idea. The more original, the better. If you have no ideas, copy successful games. Or visit Three Hundred Mechanics for some big inspiration.

5) Make your game…

6) Once you think it’s finished encrypt it. You can use the MochiAds free encrypter.

7) Add MochiAds ads and MochiBot stats

8) Submit your game to a developers forum or take a look at First Impression service by FlashGameLicense, to get some qualified reviews about your game. Remember to sitelock your game to prevent it to spread without your control. If you don’t know how to sitelock a game, read How to sitelock a Flash movie

9) Now that your game should be really finished, submit it to FlashGameLicense

10) Wait at least two weeks

11) At this time if you found a sponsor, distribute the game according to the partnership you signed. If you did not find any sponsor, return to step 10 or proceed to 12

12) Sumit your game to as much portals as you can. For a faster distribution, try FlashGameDistribution. Read a review about this service here

13) Return to step 4

That’s all… I hope you will enjoy Flash game making as much as I am, and wish me good luck… I have 365 days left and almost $20,000 to earn…

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