(try to) Get funds for your project with My Micro Fund

Talking about Links and Monetize.

« Do you require funding for a business idea? Share with me your story and business proposal and be considered for micro funding in the form of a grant or a goodwill loan – basically you pay back what you can. If I like your idea you will receive between USD $500 to $3,000. »

This is how Alex from My Micro Fund introduces his idea.

You can get funds for your next project following these steps:

1) Submit your proposal, with all relevant deltails such as how much do you need for how long, a simple business plan what is your plan to repay the fund if your venture is successful and what do you intend to do to replenish the fund if your venture is NOT successful

2) Get the money, anywhere in the world(*)

(*) That’s what Alex says, but I don’t really know if he’s really able to make you get the money if you live in a sanctioned Country.

3) Work on your project keeping Alex updated regularly as you execute your business plan so that he can share your experience with his readers

4) Repay the fund based on your goodwill… nothing is legally binding and everything is based on mutual trust and due diligence.

The project sounds really interesting, at the moment I am sending an email to Alex to have a loan for a project. It’s a project I can afford by myself but I really want to try the service and share this experience with you.