MySQL to JSON with PHP

Talking about Php.

Ugly title for a post, really… but I did not find any function to convert the result of a MySQL query directly into JSON notation, so I made my own function.

I really needed it today, so I am sharing it with you. It’s not a everyday use function, but I am sure some of you will find it useful, just like it happened with Sending email with multiple attachments with PHP.

function mysql2json($mysql_result,$name){
     $json="{\n\"$name\": [\n";
     $field_names = array();
     $fields = mysql_num_fields($mysql_result);
          $field_name = mysql_fetch_field($mysql_result, $x);
     $rows = mysql_num_rows($mysql_result);
          $row = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result);

The first parameter is the result of the query, without any parsing, just the output of mysql_query function, the second parameter is the name you want to give to your JSON object.

Returns a string with the JSON notation of the result.