About season games
Talking about Flash, Game development and Monetize.
Season games are games based upon Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and so on.
Normally they are classic games with a season theme, just like my two ones, Christmas Couples and Halloween Couples.
The question is: is it worth it to work on season games?
If you read this post, you can read it’s not worth it.
I just want to focus on two things:
1) As said, sesason games are just themed games… so it’s easy to turn a classic game into a season one or a season one into a classic one, by just skinning it a bit
2) The world isn’t over, so I am expecting another Christmas next year.
Finally, I would like to share these charts, to demonstrate how season games live a second (or even third!!) life when the season is back again.
This is Christmas Couples when it was released in December 2007
December 2008, living a second life
These last days, living a third life!!
This is Halloween Couples when it was published in November 2008
This is Halloween Couples living its second life during these last months
What do you think about it?
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