Create complex Box2D shapes in a click with PhysicsEditor

Talking about Actionscript 3, Box2D and Flash.

With Box2D is very easy to create primitives like boxes or spheres, but when you have to handle more complex shapes, things get nasty.

You have to use compound objects and it’s not as intuitive as it should be.

In our help comes PhysicsEditor by Andreas Low

The software allows you to create complex bodies simply dragging your shapes inside the editor and press the auto trace button! No more clicking. Then adjust the shape’s physics parameters and directly export to your game development framework.

I am currently using this software for a game prototype I am designing but I am not ready to make a review, but I can assure you this software really rocks.

Watch the official video:

I am also using the .as exporter so at this time I am able to show the Flash results of what you are seeing in the video:

I removed the textures so you can see how objects are made.