Flash Game Development by Example – My book is on the shelves!!
Talking about Actionscript 3, Flash and Game development.
This is a very important day for me and the blog. After about seven months of writing, coding, rewriting and recoding, finally my (first) book is on the shelves!!
The title is Flash Game Development by Example and it’s a complete AS3 guide to the creation of 10 (9 on the book + 1 extra chapter available online) classic games.
Following the style of the blog, with games dissected and explained line by line, in the book every feature of the game is explained in deep detail. I just want you to know the chapters initially have been decided to be 11, but due to the high number of pages, we had to drop a chapter. Just imagine how much I went in depth explaining line by line the whole code.
Writing a book is a great milestone in a blogger life, but once the book is published, another challenge awaits me: selling it. Talking with the guys at Packt Publishing, they have set the goal of 2,000 copies sold as a “great achievement”. To show them I am more than great, I want to sell an extra 10%, for a grand total of 2,200 copies.
If you love the blog, if you found it a great resource for improving your programming skills, you can learn a lot more if you buy a copy of the book.
Writing a book is not just creating tutorials for another media, it’s a great experience I will blog about during next days. It made me a better writer.
Now I want to focus on game development and start coding some Flash games to release as soon as possible, but after this summer I’d probably be writing another book.
And now, something about the book itself and its scope:
You can’t call yourself a Flash game developer unless you know how to build certain essential games, and can quickly use the skills and techniques that make them up.
Flash Game Development by Example is an ultra-fast paced game development course. Learn step-by-step how to build 10 classic games. Each game introduces new game development skills, techniques, and concepts. By the end of the book you will have built ten complete games – and have the skills you need to design and build your own game ideas.
The book starts with simple well known puzzle games: Concentration and Minesweeper. After learning the basics of game design you’ll introduce AI with a four-in-a-row game. Then as you build your own versions of old arcade games such as Snake, Tetris, and Astro Panic. The book ends with a collection of modern casual classics.
In each chapter you’ll build a complete game, starting with simple puzzlers and working your way up to games similar to the most popular online casual games. Each game introduces a range of essential skills that all Flash game developers should know. There’s never a dull moment – you’re building working, fun games right from Chapter 1.
I also created a one page site about the book, to better spread the word. You can check it at www.flashgamedevbook.com.
I need your help to let coders there is an awesome AS3 book around there, so if you have a blog, I’d appreciate you to mention the site.
Go buy Flash Game Development by Example. By the end of the book you will have built ten complete games – and have the skills you need to design and build your own game ideas.
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