Creation of a jigsaw puzzle game – Flash AS3 version
Talking about Jigsaw Game game, Actionscript 3, Flash, Game development and Users contributions.
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Last month I published a 4 steps tutorial about the creation of a jigsaw puzzle using HTML5 Canvas and KineticJS (also see step 2, 3 and 4), and now I am going to show you Ami Hanya‘s AS3 version of the engine.
You can see it in action at this page, it was made with FlashDevelop and GreenSock for the tweening.
Ami also made game based on Toony Flash game prototype, you can find it at this page clicking on the zebra.
Back to our jigsaw engine this is the main class:
package { import com.Piece; import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.display.Sprite; import; import; /** * ... * @author ami hanya */ public class Main extends Sprite { private var nowbitmap:Bitmap; private var piecesArray:Array = new Array(); private var horizontalPieces:Number = 5; private var verticalPieces:Number = 4; private var imageWidth:Number; private var imageHeight:Number; private var pieceWidth:Number; private var pieceHeight:Number; private var showGuid:Boolean = true; private var showGuidCon:Sprite; private var regularCon:Sprite; public function Main():void { if (stage) init(); else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); } private function init(e:Event = null):void { removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader(); var image:URLRequest = new URLRequest("brave.jpg"); imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoad); imageLoader.load(image); } private function imageLoad(e:Event = null):void { nowbitmap = as Bitmap; imageWidth = nowbitmap.width; imageHeight = nowbitmap.height; pieceWidth = Math.round(imageWidth / horizontalPieces); pieceHeight = Math.round(imageHeight / verticalPieces); if (showGuid) { showGuidCon = new Sprite addChild(showGuidCon); } regularCon = new Sprite addChild(regularCon); for (var i:uint = 0; i < horizontalPieces; i++) { piecesArray[i] = new Array(); for (var j:uint = 0; j < verticalPieces; j++) { piecesArray[i][j] = new Object(); piecesArray[i][j].right = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); piecesArray[i][j].down = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 0) { piecesArray[i][j].up = 1 - piecesArray[i][j - 1].down; } if (i > 0) { piecesArray[i][j].left = 1 - piecesArray[i - 1][j].right; } var n:Number = j + i * verticalPieces; if (showGuid) { var pieceGuid:Piece = new Piece showGuidCon.addChild(pieceGuid); pieceGuid.init({image: nowbitmap.bitmapData, i: i, j: j, tileObj: piecesArray[i][j], horizontalPieces: horizontalPieces, verticalPieces: verticalPieces, crop: {x: i * pieceWidth, y: j * pieceHeight, width: pieceWidth, height: pieceHeight}, x: i * pieceWidth + i, y: j * pieceHeight + j, width: pieceWidth, height: pieceHeight, draggable: false}); } var piece:Piece = new Piece regularCon.addChild(piece); piece.init({image: nowbitmap.bitmapData, i: i, j: j, tileObj: piecesArray[i][j], horizontalPieces: horizontalPieces, verticalPieces: verticalPieces, crop: {x: i * pieceWidth, y: j * pieceHeight, width: pieceWidth, height: pieceHeight}, x: i * pieceWidth + i, y: j * pieceHeight + j, width: pieceWidth, height: pieceHeight, draggable: true}); } } } } }
and this is Piece
package com { import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.*; import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.Graphics; import flash.display.Shape; import flash.display.Sprite; import; /** * ... * @author ami hanya */ public class Piece extends Sprite { private var image:Bitmap; private var obj:Object private var gap:Number = 20; public function Piece() { } public function init($obj:Object):void { obj = $obj; x = obj.x; y = obj.y; var offsetX:Number = obj.width * obj.i; var offsetY:Number = obj.height * obj.j; var x8:Number = Math.round(obj.width / 8); var y8:Number = Math.round(obj.height / 8); var i:Number = obj.i; var j:Number = obj.j; var tileObj:Object = obj.tileObj; var s:Shape = new Shape var context:Graphics =; if (obj.draggable) { context.lineStyle(2, 0, 1, true, "round"); context.beginBitmapFill(obj.image); } else { context.lineStyle(2, 0, .5, true, "round"); context.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, .5); } context.moveTo(offsetX, offsetY); s.x = -offsetX; s.y = -offsetY; if (j != 0) { context.lineTo(offsetX + 3 * x8, offsetY); if (tileObj.up == 1) { context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY - 2 * y8, offsetX + 4 * x8, offsetY - 2 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY - 2 * y8, offsetX + 5 * x8, offsetY); } else { context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX + 4 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX + 5 * x8, offsetY); } } context.lineTo(offsetX + 8 * x8, offsetY); if (i != obj.horizontalPieces - 1) { context.lineTo(offsetX + 8 * x8, offsetY + 3 * y8); if (tileObj.right == 1) { context.curveTo(offsetX + 10 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX + 10 * x8, offsetY + 4 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 10 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX + 8 * x8, offsetY + 5 * y8); } else { context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 4 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX + 8 * x8, offsetY + 5 * y8); } } context.lineTo(offsetX + 8 * x8, offsetY + 8 * y8); if (j != obj.verticalPieces - 1) { context.lineTo(offsetX + 5 * x8, offsetY + 8 * y8); if (tileObj.down == 1) { context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 10 * y8, offsetX + 4 * x8, offsetY + 10 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 10 * y8, offsetX + 3 * x8, offsetY + 8 * y8); } else { context.curveTo(offsetX + 6 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX + 4 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX + 3 * x8, offsetY + 8 * y8); } } context.lineTo(offsetX, offsetY + 8 * y8); if (i != 0) { context.lineTo(offsetX, offsetY + 5 * y8); if (tileObj.left == 1) { context.curveTo(offsetX - 2 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX - 2 * x8, offsetY + 4 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX - 2 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX, offsetY + 3 * y8); } else { context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 6 * y8, offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 4 * y8); context.curveTo(offsetX + 2 * x8, offsetY + 2 * y8, offsetX, offsetY + 3 * y8); } } addChild(s) if (obj.draggable) {, .5, {x: Math.round(Math.random() * (obj.image.width - obj.width)), y: Math.round(Math.random() * (obj.image.height - obj.height)), delay: 1 + Math.random(), ease: Back.easeInOut, onComplete: addMouseEvent}); } else { mouseChildren = false; mouseEnabled = false; } } private function addMouseEvent():void { if (obj.draggable) { buttonMode = true; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown); } } private function mouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void { startDrag(); parent.setChildIndex(this, parent.numChildren - 1); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUp); } private function mouseUp(e:MouseEvent):void { stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUp); stopDrag(); x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); if (x < obj.x + gap / 2 && x > obj.x - gap / 2 && y < obj.y + gap / 2 && y > obj.y - gap / 2) { x = obj.x; y = obj.y; mouseEnabled = false; mouseChildren = false; parent.setChildIndex(this, 0); } } } }
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