Box2d destructible terrain demo using only geometry
Talking about Actionscript 3, Box2D and Flash.
Hello Box2d lovers, what I am going to show you today is something I started studying some time ago, when I focused on triangulation of polygons with holes: an engine capable of simulate destructible terrain with Box2D using only geometry, which can also be applied to any other physics engine, like NAPE.
You may say NAPE already features destructible terrain, but actually you aren’t destroying anything, you are only deleting part of a bitmap which NAPE renders with marching squares algorithm.
My destructible terrain engine uses only pure geometry, which should be a more precise way in my opinion.
I have to optimize it a bit, bacause there’s still a little bug, meanwhile look at the demo:
Click on the terrain to destroy it.
Now, imagine some awesome game concept you can make out of it.
Complete tutorial and source code available next week. Meanwhile, if you want to guess how it’s made, you’re welcome, I will be glad to answer if I did it like that.
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