How to crop a Flash Movie

Talking about Flash and Tutorials.

Sometimes we may need for some reason to “crop” a Flash Movie, but unlike Photoshop, there is not “crop” command.
How can we do?
Using the ‘size’ button, set a new height and width for the flash movie based on your flash design.
At this point probably some of your movie images will be off of the stage… dont’ worry.
Unlock all layers.
Click the “Edit Multiple Frames” button, it’s is just below the flash timeline.
Now click the “Modify Onion Markers” button and select “onion all”.
This button is to the right of the “Edit Multiple Frames” button below the flash timeline.
At this point the onion marker above the flash timeline should be across all frames of the flash movie.
Now in the main flash movie menu choose “select all”, or use your mouse to select all the objects on the flash stage.
All the frames containing objects should appear selected.
Now you can move your entire flash movie to where you want it in the new stage size.
This will keep all of the animation and tweens and layers in proper sequence and order, just like if you cropped the movie