Flash Game Competition at Mousebreaker
Talking about Contests and Flash.
Mousebreaker wants you to develop a Flash game, send it to them, and you could win one of the three cash prizes!
1st Prize – £2000
2nd Prize – £1000
3rd Prize – £500
In keeping with the style of games on Mousebreaker, your game should be:
* New and original (Must not have appeared on another website)
* Fast-loading (maximum 600kb filesize)
* Easy to understand, difficult to master
* Quick to play
* Level based
* Highscore based
* Addictive! Ideally it will have that certain something that makes people play it again and again!
Other than that, it’s up to you – you can develop a puzzle, shootemup, arcade game or any kind of game at all!
More info at mousebreaker
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