Red Planet: a game created using my tutorials

Talking about Flash and Users contributions.

Time to introduce Red Planet, a game created by Peter Hurford using mu tutorials.

Red Planet

That’s what Peter said:

“Hi! Thanks for your tutorials.
Because of your help, I was able to make a game called Red Planet.
It’s primarially based on the Flash Game Creation series of tutorials, but also was helped with the Artillery tutorial to a small degree.
Thanks again.”

Thank you Peter for submitting your work here.

It’s a game based on the Ball tutorials, but in some levels you will find the turret used in artillery game… but this time it’s trying to kill you!

I liked the game, that introduces some new stuff like “heat seeking” enemies and a level codes system that prevents you to replay levels already solved.

The game features 36 levels through 9 worlds and some of them are really nasty.

Peter’s site,, also hosts some other games and various stuff.

Give him feedback