Old experiment: pan through an image with actionscript

Talking about Flash.

This is an experiment made in 2004 translated into a newer version of actionscript.

It’s very simple and needs a lot of improvements and I think you could transform this file into something usable.

The actionscript, all in the first frame, is very simple: the two objects are the_arrow representing the mouse pointer and map representing the image.

_root.attachMovie("map", "map", 1);
_root.attachMovie("the_arrow", "the_arrow", 2, {_x:250, _y:175});
the_arrow.onEnterFrame = function() {
	this._x += (_xmouse-this._x)/5;
	this._y += (_ymouse-this._y)/5;
	dist_x = this._x-250;
	dist_y = this._y-175;
	angle = Math.atan(dist_y/dist_x)/(Math.PI/180);
	if (dist_x<0) {
		angle += 180;
	if (dist_x>=0 and dist_y<0) {
		angle += 360;
	this._rotation = angle;
	deltax = -(this._x-250)/90;
	deltay = -(this._y-175)/90;
	map._x += deltax;
	map._y += deltay;
	if (map._x>1000) {
		map._x = 1000;
	if (map._x<-500) {
		map._x = -500;
	if (map._y>1000) {
		map._x = 1000;
	if (map._y<-650) {
		map._y = -650;

Being an old experiment, I won't comment it, but someday I am going to release a newer, released version.

Here it is the source code for you to enjoy.