MochiAds Flash Game Contest: over $5,000 to win

Talking about Contests, Flash, Game development and Monetize.

MochiAds, the company that launched the avertising network just for game developers, to celebrate its launch, the holidays, and the new referral program, is currently hosting a Flash game contest.

MochiAds contests

There are 3 ways to win:

1) Create an awesome game and make MochiAds judgeds admit it’s awesome

1st place: $1,000 + a custom MochiAds skinned DS Lite + a T-shirt
2nd place: $750 + a custom MochiAds skinned DS Lite + a T-shirt
3rd place: $500 + a custom MochiAds skinned DS Lite + a T-shirt
4th place: $350 + a custom MochiAds skinned DS Lite + a T-shirt
5th place: $200 + a custom MochiAds skinned DS Lite + a T-shirt

2) Create an awesome game and have the most traffic in the first two weeks of its release

1st, 2nd and 3rd: place: $400 + a custom MochiAds skinned DS Lite + a T-shirt

3) Refer your friends to MochiAds.
If your referrals submit at least 5 approved games before mid-December (15th? 16th?), you’ll get a $50 bonus.

The MochiAds skinned DS lite is positively something a Geek should have… hmmm…

I noticed there is not a link to the contest from the homepage, so I am giving you the link to the direct page

Edit: there is a link on homepage now