Experiment: monetizing a Flash game – Part 4
Talking about Flash, Game development and Monetize.
Multipart tutorial: available parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
This is the end of the 3rd week and here I am with another update.
I suggest you to read part 1, 2 and 3 before continuing.
This was a bad-luck week… had two server crash in my company with 3 scsi disks knocked out.
This means I had to work also in the spare time so I could not continue the one-week game… hope I will finish it before next sunday (I HAVE to finish it before next sunday, being a one-week game).
In a day or two I’ll publish another one-day game just to test some highscore APIs that you can find on major Flash portals. It will be a very copycat concept but I am doing it only to test highscore tables.
Now let me introduce Circle Chain earnings:
Mochiads: 100,770 impressions -> $51.80
AdSense: 24,040 impressions
Kongregate: 1,601 impressions -> $0.26
For a total of $165.50… only $13.55 this week… I think Circle Chain is almost history because this week got less than 2,000 impressions/day.
So I decided that next week I will release the source code.
While I was checking everything was ok during server crashes, I found an interesting way to have a nice Flash game concept without being a game design wizard: download a Commodore 64 emulator like VICE, and start playing with some arcade classics.
I think there is a gold mine to dig in old C64 games… and it’s waiting for us.
This sounds a lot as “copycat” but… come on… let’s call it “inspiration” and add some new features to old games. And think about an original concept between a “while” and an “end if”.
I am sorry I can’t tell you more about the experiment but it was a very busy week. My PS3 will wait a week more… I wanted to play Assassin’s Creed…
Multipart tutorial: available parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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