Using BitmapData to manage a deck of cards
Talking about Card Game game, Flash and Game development.
December 28th update: 2nd part online
I have already published a tutorial about BitmapData in the post Shuffle an image with BitmapData, but this time I want to show you how to manage a deck of cards using BitmapData.
Managing a deck of cards is very useful because there are tons of card games you can publish once you have a deck of cards in your library.
The first thing you need is an image with all cards like this one:
The image is scaled down for blogging reasons, but you can view/download it at its original size here.
Now, with the same method seen in Shuffle an image with BitmapData, I’ll cut off all cards starting from the original image.
I am publishing some raw actionscript because this is just a prototype, but a full tutorial will come shortly.
The prototype is about the simplest card game ever: you draw a card and have to say if the next card will be higher on lower than the card you have on the table.
Being a prototype it’s not complete yet, but I want to share this code to you.
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
var distance:Number = 4;
var angleInDegrees:Number = 45;
var color:Number = 0x000000;
var alpha:Number = .5;
var blurX:Number = 4;
var blurY:Number = 4;
var strength:Number = 1;
var quality:Number = 3;
var inner:Boolean = false;
var knockout:Boolean = false;
var hideObject:Boolean = false;
var my_shadow_filter:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter(distance, angleInDegrees, color, alpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout, hideObject);
big_picture = BitmapData.loadBitmap("cardz");
big_pic_obj._visible = false;
pictures = new Array();
sequence = new Array();
Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
for (x=0; x<52; x++) {
var from = Math.floor(Math.random()*52);
var to = this[x];
this[x] = this[from];
this[from] = to;
for (x=0; x<52; x++) {
card = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("small_pic_obj_"+x, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
sequence[x] = x;
small_picture = new BitmapData(79, 123);
small_picture.copyPixels(big_picture,new Rectangle(0+(x%13)*79, 0+Math.floor(x/13)*123, 79, 123),new Point(0, 0));
card._visible = false;
card.filters = new Array(my_shadow_filter);
card.onEnterFrame = function() {
switch (this.action) {
case "come" :
this._x += 40;
if (this._x>210) {
this._x = 210;
this.action = "stay";
case "move" :
this._x += 20;
if (this._x>310) {
this._x = 310;
this.action = "dissolve";
case "dissolve" :
this._alpha -= 4;
if (this._alpha<0) {
cards_drawn = 0;
can_draw = true;
higher.onRelease = function() {
lower.onRelease = function() {
function draw_card() {
_root["small_pic_obj_"+sequence[cards_drawn]]._x = 0;
_root["small_pic_obj_"+sequence[cards_drawn]]._y = 30;
_root["small_pic_obj_"+sequence[cards_drawn]]._visible = true;
_root["small_pic_obj_"+sequence[cards_drawn]].action = "come";
_root["small_pic_obj_"+sequence[cards_drawn-1]].action = "move";
and the result is...
I think simple and stupid games like this one can have a good replay value if I provide a high score table like in Christmas Couples, another simple game that entered in the "million games played" club.
But I will talk about it in the next post about the experiment, meanwhile take the source code.
Read 2nd part
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