Talking about Snowflakes game, Actionscript 3, Flash and Game development.
As announced in Create a Flash game like Snowflakes, here it is the AS3 version.
I used the same comments to help you understanding the conversion.
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.ui.Mouse;
public class snowflakesas3 extends Sprite {
// max stars on stage
var max_stars = 20;
// current stars on stage
var stars_on_stage = 0;
// gravity
var gravity = 0.1;
// this is the influence distance
// using influence and real_influence I perform the square root only once
// when the distance from the mouse and the star is less than real_influence
// then the star is affected by the mouse
var influence = 625;
var real_influence = Math.sqrt(influence);
// friction
var friction = 0.9;
// divider, to make stars move slowly
var divider = 50;
// mouse speed
var mouse_speed = 0;
var playersprite:pointer = new pointer();
public function snowflakesas3() {
// mouse cursor replacement
// function to be executed by the mouse pointer
public function playersprite_enterframe(event:Event) {
// calculating the distance from the last point the mouse was spotted
// and the current mouse position
var dist_x = playersprite.x-mouseX;
var dist_y = playersprite.y-mouseY;
mouse_speed = Math.sqrt(dist_x*dist_x+dist_y*dist_y);
// minimum speed = minimum force applied
if (mouse_speed<0.2) {
mouse_speed = 0.2;
}// updating pointer position
playersprite.x = mouseX;
playersprite.y = mouseY;
// main function
public function main_enterframe(event:Event) {
// should I add a star?
if (stars_on_stage300) {
There is no better way in learning a new language than porting your old projects into the new language.
I’ll write a post about it… meanwhile download the source code.
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