When you realize you know nothing

Talking about PROgramming.

Normally I hate when bloggers – expecially tech bloggers – write about their pets or something like “I am not writing because I got flu”… but when illness refers to computers, it’s really something to talk about.

I was writing a post about online photo editors when my computer crashed.

Oh, well, who cares, I saved the post one minute ago – that’s what I said.

The problem is my computer still crashes and restarts about 20 seconds after the boot.

Every “break glass in case of fire” procedure has been tried, and the computer still crashes.

I called the guy who takes care of our servers and he asked me “did you *******?”

Feel free to replace the ****** with weird BIOS settings, hybrid startup modes, motherboard jumpers configuration, impossible-to-remember regedit paths and so on.

Damn, that sounded greek… and if you’re from Greece, imagine he was talking italian…

I had to bring my computer to his lab. My pride is under my shoes.

I realized there is no difference between me and Uncle Sophie (imagine Uncle Sophie as a fat mid aged woman using the computer only to play Window solitaire).

I can make (almost) everything I want just writing some lines of code, but when that big black box called “computer” seriously crashes, I know nothing.

How much do you know?