Designing the structure of a Flash game – AS3 version – Part 2
Talking about Actionscript 3, Flash and Game development.
I added some new features to Designing the structure of a Flash game – AS3 version game template and wanted to share the result with you.
Now the diagram is a little more complex, and it still lacks of some important features such as savegames and high scores.
Let’s look at the new diagram (if you want a fancy diagram like the one on this post, made in a couple of minutes without installing any software, visit Gliffy):
Now the player can select levels. The script does not check for already completed levels and there isn’t any “congratulations” screen if you complete the game.
Both features will be added later.
Also, there is some room for optimization, and I will try to optimize the template as much as I can because it’s going to be my template for all future AS3 games.
Here it is:
I am not posting the source code this time because files become to be quite a lot, and all work with the same concepts as seen on Designing the structure of a Flash game – AS3 version.
But you can obviously download the source code and feel free to complete it.
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