Blogging when you’re on holiday
Talking about PROgramming and WordPress.
A PROgrammer’s life is like being on holiday all the time, because there’s nothing better than doing the job you like the most – and making a living out of it.
Anyway, sometimes I have a real holiday trip.
One of the most interesting things about blogging is you can do it from everywhere, as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.
During these years, I blogged from home, from my office, from Milan, Barcelona, Menorca, Ibiza and Sardinia.
But it’s also true sometimes you just can’t blog. Just think about a really hard working day, a long airplane trip, a bad flu, “just another” try to beat a level in your favorite game, a date, and so on.
That’s why a good blogger should always have at least 5 blog posts saved for an emergency use.
You can use them when you are in troubles or, if you know next week you will be very busy, you can schedule them to be self-published at the desided time.
Look, you’re not cheating… all newspapers and new sites do the same: they have a library of articles ready to be used in case they need them. In most cases they talk about famous people lives and they are ready to be published just in case one of such people should suddenly die.
Next saturday I will travel to Cuba for two weeks… connecting to internet from the major cities is not a problem but in some smaller towns you just can’t do it.
So I am preparing some posts to be scheduled during my trip, just in case…
If you want to contribute to the blog with a post, it’s the right time to do it… if you have a blog and want one of your posts to be published here, or have something interesting to say, mail me a triqui[at] and I will schedule it. Obviously you and your site will get fully credited.
At the moment I am looking for posts about Flash, blogging, game design, monetizing and PROgramming.
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