Loading WP posts with Ajax and jQuery – a real world example

Talking about Ajax, Javascript, Php and WordPress.

If you are looking for a real world example made with Loading WordPress posts with Ajax and jQuery or you haven’t played LineBall yet, or you played it, you loved it and you want to know who made the music, this is the right blog post.

I am finishing and polishing LineBall’s official site built with WordPress and Ajax.

I plan to finish it before this week ends, then release the theme next week. So if you have suggestions, feedback or want more information, this is your turn.

Help me to make the ultimate WordPress Flash game theme.

Some features already developed:

* Highly customizable by setup page – no need to edit the code

* Ajax powered to browse it without reloading the header (the game itself)

* Minimal theme, a very few lines of code

Let me know what do you think about it. And don’t pay that much attention to contents… I just wrote a couple of lines just to make some tests