Making a game with flixel and Flash Builder 4 – Splash Screen
Talking about Actionscript 3, Flash, Flex and Game development.
Did you read Creation of a game with flixel and Flash Builder 4?
Now it’s time to add a splash screen to the game. The splash screen or the title screen is the first thing the player sees, so we’ll add a backround image as well as the game title.
First, we must change our main file,
, this way:
package {
import org.flixel.*; //Allows you to refer to flixel objects in your code
[SWF(width="520", height="240", backgroundColor="#000000")] //Set the size and color of the Flash file
public class HelloWorld extends FlxGame
public function HelloWorld():void
super(260,120,splash_screen,2); //Create a new FlxGame object at 320x240 with 2x pixels, then load splash_screen
As you can see, the only change I made can be found at line 9… here I am calling splash_screen
class, that is the brand new class we are going to create.
Here it is:
import org.flixel.*;
public class splash_screen extends FlxState
// embedding a png file given a relative path
[Embed(source="../media/splash.png")] public var splash_image:Class;
public function splash_screen():void
// declaring the sprite variable that will hold the splash image
var splash:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(0,0,splash_image);
// this variable will hold all texts
var my_text:FlxText
// adding the splash image on state
// adding and styling the first text, the title itself
my_text = new FlxText(0, 20, FlxG.width, "This is a Splash Screen")
// adding and styling a text saying the player has to press SPACE to play
my_text = new FlxText(0, 80, FlxG.width, "Press SPACE to begin")
my_text.setFormat(null, 8, 0xFFFFFFFF, "center");
override public function update():void
// checking if the player pressed SPACE...
if (FlxG.keys.pressed("SPACE"))
FlxG.fade.start(0xff000000, 1, on_fade_completed);
// ... if true then fade the screen to black and execute on_fade_completed function once the fade is completed
public function on_fade_completed():void
// playing the game itself
FlxG.state = new PlayState();
then PlayState
class does not change…
import org.flixel.*;
public class PlayState extends FlxState
override public function create():void
add(new FlxText(0,0,100,"Hello, World!")); //adds a 100px wide text field at position 0,0 (upper left)
And this is the result:
Follow splash screen instructions to “play”… next time, the game itself
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