Create a Flash racing game – Flex version

Talking about Racing game, Actionscript 3, Flex, Game development and Users contributions.

Hamilton Lombardi is a brazilian Flex programmer who decided to rewrite the code you can find in the original post for Flex 4.

Moreover he added a splash screen, as you can see:

The source code is clearly formatted and commented as you can see from Level class:

	import flash.geom.*;
	import flash.utils.*;
	import mx.containers.Canvas;
	import mx.controls.Alert;
	import mx.controls.Label;
	import mx.controls.Text;
	import mx.core.*;
	public class Level
		protected static var instance:Level = null;	
		public static var player:Player = null;
		public static var track:Track = null;
		//this is the max number of laps
		public const totalLaps:Number = 3;
		// Moment the race started
		public var initialTime:Date;
		// Current lap time
		public var lapTime:Date;
		// Current fastest lap
		public var bestLap:Number = 0;
		// Current lap number
		public var currentLap:int = 0;
		// Current checkpoint - 1 Start Line , 2 - Mid track
		public var currentCheckpoint:int = 1;
		// History of all the lap times
		public var raceHistory:String;

		static public function get Instance():Level
			if ( instance == null )
				instance = new Level();
			return instance;
		public function Level(caller:Function = null )
			if ( Level.instance != null )
			throw new Error( "Only one Singleton instance should be instantiated" );
		public function startup():void
			// Start all clock timers
			// Start time display
			// Creates the race track
			track = new Track();
			// Creates the racer
			player = new Player();
		public function shutdown():void
		public function enterFrame():void
			// Check if the lap had been completed
			// Update total race time display
		public function setTimes():void {
			var timeElapsed:Number = 0;
			var milliseconds:Number = 0;
			var seconds:Number = 0;
			var minutes:Number = 0;
			var minutesTXT:Number = 0;
			var secondsTXT:Number = 0;
			var tensTXT:Number = 0;
			var totalTXT:String;
			var totalTimeLabel:Label;
			var timeCanvas:Canvas;
			// Only starts the timer if the car cross the start line for the first time
			if (this.currentLap != 0) {
				//we calculate the time elapsed from the moment the race started in millisecond
				var thisTime:Date = new Date();
				timeElapsed = (thisTime.getTime() - initialTime.getTime());
				//we calculate the minutes, seconds and tens of seconds and set them to their respective variables
				milliseconds = timeElapsed;
				seconds = Math.floor(milliseconds/1000);
				minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);
				minutesTXT = minutes;
				secondsTXT = seconds-minutes*60;
				tensTXT = Math.round((milliseconds-seconds*1000)/10);
				//if the minutes, seconds or the tens of seconds number has only one character we add a "0" before it - that's just because we want the time to look good ;)
				if (minutesTXT<10) totalTXT = "0" + minutesTXT;
				else totalTXT = "" + minutesTXT;
				if (secondsTXT<10) totalTXT = totalTXT + "." + "0" + secondsTXT;
				else totalTXT = totalTXT + "." + secondsTXT;
				if (tensTXT<10) totalTXT = totalTXT + "." + "0" + tensTXT;
				else totalTXT = totalTXT + "." + tensTXT;
				//Update total time label 
				timeCanvas = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.timeDisplay;
				totalTimeLabel = (Label) (timeCanvas.getChildByName("totalTimeTXT"));			
				totalTimeLabel.text = totalTXT;
		//and the second function
		public function setBestLap():void {
			//this function does the exact same thing as the first one, only here we will use the time elapsed from the last time the car has passed the finish line
			var currentTime: Date = new Date();
			var currentLap:Number = 0;
			currentLap = currentTime.getTime()- this.lapTime.getTime();
			var seconds:Number = 0;
			var minutes:Number = 0;			
			var minutesTXT:Number = 0;
			var secondsTXT:Number = 0;
			var tensTXT:Number = 0;			
			var bestLapTXT:String;
			var bestLapLabel:Label;
			var timeCanvas:Canvas;			
			seconds = Math.floor(currentLap/1000);
			minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);
			minutesTXT = minutes;
			secondsTXT = seconds-minutes*60;
			tensTXT = Math.round((currentLap-seconds*1000)/10);
			//if the minutes, seconds or the tens of seconds number has only one character we add a "0" before it - that's just because we want the time to look good ;)
			if (minutesTXT<10) bestLapTXT = "0" + minutesTXT;
			else bestLapTXT = "" + minutesTXT;
			if (secondsTXT<10) bestLapTXT = bestLapTXT + "." + "0" + secondsTXT;
			else bestLapTXT = bestLapTXT + "." + secondsTXT;
			if (tensTXT<10) bestLapTXT = bestLapTXT + "." + "0" + tensTXT;
			else bestLapTXT = bestLapTXT + "." + tensTXT;
			//we don't calculate the lap time if the car passes the finish/start line for the first time
			if ( (this.bestLap>currentLap) || (this.bestLap == 0) ) {
				this.bestLap = currentLap;
				//Update best lap time label 
				timeCanvas = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.timeDisplay;
				bestLapLabel = (Label) (timeCanvas.getChildByName("bestLapTXT"));			
				bestLapLabel.text = bestLapTXT;
			// Save race history
			if (this.raceHistory == null) this.raceHistory = "Lap: " + this.currentLap + " - " + bestLapTXT + "\n";
			else this.raceHistory = this.raceHistory  + "Lap: " + this.currentLap + " - " + bestLapTXT + "\n"; 
			//we set the initial time to the moment the car passed the finish line 
			this.lapTime = new Date();
		public function checkPoints():void 
			var currentLapTXT:String;
			var currentLapLabel:Label;
			var timeCanvas:Canvas;
			var levelEndCanvas:Canvas;
			var historyText:Text;
			//we check to see if the car "touches" the checkpoint1 - start/finish line)
			if (FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.finishLine.hitTestPoint(player.position.x, player.position.y, true)) {
				if (this.currentLap == 0) {
					this.initialTime = new Date();
					this.lapTime = new Date();
					this.currentLap = 1;
				//if the current checkpoint is the mid track line - increase the lap number				
				if (this.currentCheckpoint === 2) {
					//check if this is the best lap
					//if this is the final lap, move to the "finish" frame 
					if (this.currentLap == totalLaps) {
						historyText = new Text();
						historyText.text = this.raceHistory;
						historyText.x = 10; historyText.y = 115;	
						FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.currentState = "LevelEnd";
					} else {
						//if the current checkpoint is the start line - increase the lap number					
					currentLapTXT = this.currentLap + "/" + totalLaps;
					//Update cuurent lap label 
					timeCanvas = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.timeDisplay;
					currentLapLabel = (Label) (timeCanvas.getChildByName("currentLapTXT"));			
					currentLapLabel.text = currentLapTXT;
					//we set to checkpoint to be checked to the next checkpoint 
					this.currentCheckpoint = 1;					
			//we check to see if the car "touches" the checkpoint2 - mid track line)
			if (FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.checkpoint.hitTestPoint(player.position.x, player.position.y, true)) {
				//if the current checkpoint is the start line - reached the mid track point				
				if (this.currentCheckpoint === 1) {					
					//we set to checkpoint to be checked is the next checkpoint 
					this.currentCheckpoint = 2;					
		public function startupTimeClocks():void 
			this.initialTime = new Date();			
			this.lapTime = new Date();
			this.bestLap = 0;
			this.currentLap = 0;
			this.currentCheckpoint = 1;			
			this.raceHistory = "";			
		public function startupTimeDisplay():void 
			var timeCanvas:Canvas;
			var currentLapLabel:Label;
			var bestLapLabel:Label;
			var totalTimeLabel:Label;
			//Update time display labels 
			timeCanvas = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.timeDisplay;
			currentLapLabel = (Label) (timeCanvas.getChildByName("currentLapTXT"));			
			currentLapLabel.text = (this.currentLap + 1) + "/" + totalLaps;
			bestLapLabel = (Label) (timeCanvas.getChildByName("bestLapTXT"));			
			bestLapLabel.text = "00.00.00";
			totalTimeLabel = (Label) (timeCanvas.getChildByName("totalTimeTXT"));			
			totalTimeLabel.text = "00.00.00";			

Really a nice conversion.

Download the full source code.