Box2D for Flash Games is available for pre-order

Talking about Actionscript 3, Box2D, Flash and Game development.

Before the summer I announced I was going to write a Box2D book which would be available by the end of the summer.

With a slight delay, and proudly not on my side, I am happy to announce Box2D for Flash Games will be actually published next month and is available for pre-order.

While you are reading this post, I am finetuning some chapters and fighting with Packt Publishing guys which would like me to reduce the page count.

Physics games are getting more and more popular, and Box2D is the best choice if you are looking for a free, stable and robust library to handle physics. With Box2D you can create every kind of 2D physics game, only coding is not the fun part, but the game itself.

Box2D for Flash Games will guide you through the process of making a Flash physics game starting from the bare bones and taking you by hand through complex features such as forces, joints and motors. As you are learning, your game will have more and more features, like the physics games you are used to playing.

The book analyzes two of the most played physics games, and breaks them down to allow readers to build them from scratch in a step-by-step approach.

By the end of the book, you will learn how to create basic primitive bodies as well as complex, compound bodies. Motors will give life to cars, catapults and siege machines firing bullets, while a complete collision management will make your game look even more realistic.

If you want to make full Flash games with physics, then Box2D for Flash Games will guide you through the entire process of making a Flash physics game.

I tried to explain everything you would like to know and which cannot be find around the web, or at least not as well explained as I did in the book. Moreover, I did not explain a single line of code which is not related to Box2D, to ensure the maximum focus on Box2D development, so if you are a beginner I recommend to also buy my first book Flash Game Development by Example which explains the creation of 10 classic games from scratch.

If you are a fan of this blog or you want to dive into Box2D world, you should absolutely buy Box2D for Flash Games.