Flash Gaming Summit 5: meet the speakers and get a 15% OFF
Talking about Flash, Game development and Monetize.
As you should know, on March 24 the Flash Gaming Summit 5 will take place in San Francisco. I already blogged about it and its theme: evolve your game.
Now it’s time to meet the speakers and give you a 15% off if you want to attend the summit.
Luc Beaulieu – Frima Studio (CTO)
Luc Beaulieu is the chief technology officer (CTO) at Frima Studio, a 375-employee company with a passion for digital entertainment and services ranging from video game development (including virtual worlds and casual games) to concept art (Volta) and VFX (including IMAX 3D). With over 16 years of experience in information technology, strategic planning, software and game development, he has participated in the architecture, launch and maintenance of several virtual words, online communities and applications. With his experience and leadership, he has helped companies he has worked with in their rapid growth.
Carl Callewaert – Unity Technology (Product Evangelist)
With 10 years production and evangelism experience in game industry Carl likes to share his experience with the Unity community. Prior to working as a product evangelist at Unity Technology, Carl was hands-on in the development of AAA and indie games and shared his knowledge at the Gaming and Animation Institute as eMentor. »
Chris Condon – Con Artist Games (Game Developer)
With a 15 year history in everything from 3D level design to Advertising, Chris has always managed to make the creation of games his career. Founding Con Artist Games in 2008 as a solo independent developer, he has since found great success with his involvement in multiple franchises including The Last Stand, Warfare and Crush the Castle. Collectively his games have been played hundreds of millions of times. Having recently moved into the free to play / social space, Chris is now developing The Last Stand: Dead Zone with a talented team alongside him.
John Cooney – Kongregate (Game Developer)
John Cooney (alias jmtb02) is a game designer who has made a lot of awesome games, especially about elephants. John started development with Flash in 2002 as an animator-turned-game developer and has continued to publish over ninety titles during his career. He was named Game Developer of the Year in 2011 by Ecrans. John’s prolific body of work has been featured in OC Weekly, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Edge magazine, and BBC World television. His work includes titles such as Coinbox Hero, Achievement Unlocked, Corporation Inc, Exit Path, and Hedgehog Launch. John graduated with a Bachelors degree in Technocultural Studies from University of California, Davis.
Jean-Philippe Doiron – Frima Studio (Principal Architect R&D)
With over 10 years of experience in R&D, JP started his career in 1999 building online games with Macromedia Director. He released his first DirectX game in 2001. For seven years he worked as a consultant mostly in Canada, US and UK developing highly optimized and multithreaded database architecture and reporting system for transit operators. He is currently leading and developing the hardware accelerated Flash 3D engine at Frima Studio.
Stephen Harris – Ninja Kiwi (Co-founder)
Co-founder of Ninja Kiwi and design lead on the Bloons TD series. Ninja Kiwi has been developing flash and mobile games since 2006 and now employs 35 full-time staff in two countries.
Thibault Imbert – Adobe Systems, Inc. (Sr. Product Manager, Gaming)
After a few years working for different French agencies as a Flash developer, Thibault Imbert became an Adobe Certified Instructor in Paris where he taught ActionScript in an Adobe training center. In 2008 Thibault released a free and open-source AS3 book called ‘Pratique d’ActionScript 3’ which was recently rewritten for Flash Player 10 and released by Pearson in 2009. More recently Thibault released a whitepaper about performance optimizations for the Flash Platforn. Thibault is working today as a Flash Player Product Manager focused on graphics and rendering. During his spare time he’s working on different open source projects like WiiFlash or AlivePDF for the Flash Platform community. Most of his experiments are available on his blog, www.bytearray.org. Where there is still some time left, Thibault gives conferences about ActionScript and likes listening to funky music and cooking macaroons.
Simon Lachance – Berzerk Studio (Co-founder)
Simon Lachance has been in the video games industry for 5 years. He met Etienne and Marc-Antoine at his previous job and they all decided to quit and become full-time indie game developers…and so Berzerk Studio was born. Simon is the creator of the “Lachhh Engine”, which powers all of Berzerk Studio’s games. These days his role is to take Berzerk’s games to market on mobile, tablet, and browser platforms.
Josh Larson -Mochi Media, Inc. (CEO)
Josh Larson is the Chief Executive Officer at Mochi Media, where he leads the company’s business strategy and execution. Josh previously directed Mochi’s monetization efforts and day-to-day operations as President & Chief Operating Officer through the acquisition by Shanda Games. Josh has spent over a decade in leadership roles for innovative businesses at the intersection of games and advertising including Mochi Media, Double Fusion and CBS/GameSpot. Josh holds a B.A. in Economics from Dartmouth College and an MBA from the Darden School at the University of Virginia.
Ethan Levy – Quarter Spiral (Co-Founder)
Ethan Levy is a 10 year veteran as a game developer and simply lives for making games which bring joy to players’ hearts. Starting at the ground level as an intern and tester at Pandemic Studios working on Star Wars: Battlefront, he has contributed to over 30 shipped games in almost every role. While working at casual game publishers PlayFirst and iWin, he worked as a producer, designer, external consultant and metrics analyst on a variety of titles including Jewel Quest Mysteries and the Diner Dash/Wedding Dash series. In 2008, he joined Electronic Arts’ Office of the Chief Creative Officer working for Rich Hilleman before becoming EA2D’s first employee. At the studio, he led the development of Dragon Age Journeys, Dragon Age Legends and Dragon Age Legends: Remix 01 as Game Producer. In 2011, the studio became BioWare San Francisco, and Ethan helped shepherd the studio through the transition and kick off the development of a new game in the BioWare family as Design Manager. In spring of 2012, he left EA to co-found Quarter Spiral. Ethan has worked on games that have appeared on every platform, including console, handheld, mobile, tablet, browser and social network.
Danny Parker – Ninja Kiwi Europe (Head of Technology)
As Head of Technology at Ninja Kiwi Europe Danny oversees development of in-house technology for Mobile, Tablet and other native platforms. Starting out developing J2ME mobile games, Danny has been involved in all kinds of games development over the past 10 years. From developing console downloadable titles such as Flock! and Final Fight: Double Impact to bigger boxed titles such as Crackdown 2, Danny has always had a love for the development ethos of mobile and web games. Keeping it fun is the number one priority when working on smaller platforms as its a place where a single developer can really make a difference.
James Pearmain – Freelance Game Artist
I’m a freelance Flash game artist from the UK. Over the last 5 years I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with some of the best developers in the industry, and worked on a number of successful games including Sushi Cat, Elephant Quest, Zomgies and Achievement Unlocked 3 to name a few.
Ryan Schaefer – Monster Media (Associate Director of Development)
I have been developing professionally with Flash and ActionScript for 7 years and have two shipped titles in the console games industry with Electronic Arts. Currently I’m working with Monster Media in Orlando, FL where we focus on large, out-of-home advertising displays. In my spare time I like to make Flash-based games, tinker with interesting technology and keep up a Flashblog. Most recently I’ve created an AIR native extension that allows Xbox 360 gamepad support in AIR-based games.
GET A 15% OFF!
You know you can’t miss the opportunity to reach Flash Gaming Summit 5, so here is a discount code to use when you purchase your pass: blog_Emanuele.
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