Talking about Bar Balance game, Actionscript 3, Box2D, Flash and Game development.
Some days ago I showed you a new Box2D library called PhysInjector, now it’s time to let you see how can you make a fully working physics game prototype in only 100 lines of code, braces and classes included.
It’s (not that) vaguely based on my BarBalance game, an old game which I sold to FOG.
In this prototype, which would need to be a bit optimized but I wanted to keep it with only 100 lines of code, you have to create boxes by clicking with mouse button above the black line. Boxes will fall on the balance at the bottom of the screen, which color represents the next box you are about to create.
When two boxes of the same color collide, they become a bit transparent, and when a box turns completely transparent, it disappears. If a box falls down the balance, you lose a life. Lose al lives and it’s game over.
Give it a go:
Although the game is made by only 100 lines, it features:
* Static bodies
* Dynamic bodies
* Sensors
* Revolute joints
* Motors
* Collision detection
* Score
* Lives
* 8 different box colors
* Increasing difficulty
All these features in just a few lines are possible thanks to PhysInjector which allowed me to add Box2D physics in a snap.
This is the source code.
package { import flash.display.Sprite; import; import; import flash.text.TextField; import Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2RevoluteJoint; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2Contact; import com.reyco1.physinjector.PhysInjector; import; import; import com.reyco1.physinjector.factory.JointFactory; import; public class Main extends Sprite { private var physics:PhysInjector=new PhysInjector(stage,new b2Vec2(0,10),true); private var joint:b2RevoluteJoint; private var floor:Sprite= new Sprite(); private var colorArray:Array=[0xff0000,0x00ff00,0x0000ff,0xffff00,0xff00ff,0x00ffff,0x000000,0xffffff]; private var boxColor:Number=Math.floor(Math.random()*colorArray.length); private var lives:Number=3; private var score:Number=0; private var scoreText:TextField = new TextField(); public function Main() { graphics.lineStyle(2,0x000000) graphics.moveTo(0,100); graphics.lineTo(640,100); addChild(scoreText); floor.x=50; floor.y=420; addChild(floor); fillFloor(); var box2dFloor:PhysicsObject=physics.injectPhysics(floor,PhysInjector.SQUARE,new PhysicsProperties({isDynamic:true,friction:0.2,restitution:0,density:10,isDraggable:false,contactGroup:"bar"})); joint=JointFactory.createRevoluteJoint(PhysInjector.WORLD.GetGroundBody(),box2dFloor.body,box2dFloor.getDisplayObjectCenterPoint(),false,false,0,360); joint.EnableMotor(true); var sensor:Sprite=new Sprite();;,0,1280,20);; addChild(sensor); sensor.x=-320; sensor.y=500; var box2dSensor:PhysicsObject=physics.injectPhysics(sensor,PhysInjector.SQUARE,new PhysicsProperties({isDynamic:false,isDraggable:false,contactGroup:"sensor",isSensor:true})); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,update); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,addBox); ContactManager.onContactBegin("crate", "crate", crateVsCrate,true); ContactManager.onContactBegin("crate", "sensor", crateVsSensor,true); } private function fillFloor():void {;[boxColor]);,0,540,20);; } private function addBox(e:MouseEvent):void { if (mouseY<100) { var box:Sprite = new Sprite();[boxColor]);,0,50,50);; box.x=mouseX-25; box.y=mouseY-25; addChild(box); var box2dBox:PhysicsObject=physics.injectPhysics(box,PhysInjector.SQUARE,new PhysicsProperties({isDynamic:true,friction:0.2,restitution:0,density:1+score/100,isDraggable:false,contactGroup:"crate",name:boxColor})); boxColor=Math.floor(Math.random()*colorArray.length); fillFloor(); } } private function crateVsCrate(objectA:PhysicsObject,objectB:PhysicsObject,contact:b2Contact):void { if ( { score++; processCollision(objectA.displayObject); processCollision(objectB.displayObject); } scoreText.text=score.toString()+" - "+lives.toString()+" lives"; } private function processCollision(s:Sprite):void { s.alpha-=0.25; if (s.alpha<=0) { physics.removePhysics(s); removeChild(s); score+=5; } } private function crateVsSensor(objectA:PhysicsObject,objectB:PhysicsObject,contact:b2Contact):void { physics.removePhysics(objectA.displayObject); removeChild(objectA.displayObject); lives--; scoreText.text=score.toString()+" - "+lives.toString()+" lives"; if (lives==0) { removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,update); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,addBox); } } private function update(event:Event):void { physics.update(); joint.SetMotorSpeed(-floor.rotation/2); joint.SetMaxMotorTorque(Math.abs(floor.rotation)*50); } } }
During next days, I will show you how to create the same thing using the standard Box2D library, and we’ll then count the lines.
Download the source code of the entire project. What’s your best score?
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