Talking about Mikey Hooks game, Actionscript 3, Flash and Game development.
Since the creation of a Box2D hook like the one seen on iOS Mikey Hooks game was quite interesting, I got some message and email asking me to do the same thing with Nape Physics Engine which seems to perform better on mobile devices.
Here it is, I kept the same comments and the same function name and order to let you compare the scripts:
package { import flash.display.Sprite; import; import; import nape.geom.Vec2; import nape.phys.Body; import nape.phys.BodyList; import nape.phys.BodyType; import nape.shape.Polygon; import; import nape.util.ShapeDebug; import nape.shape.ShapeList; import nape.constraint.DistanceJoint; import nape.constraint.Constraint; public class Main extends Sprite { private var napeWorld:Space=new Space(new Vec2(0,500)); private var hero:Body; private var distanceJoint:DistanceJoint; private var debug:ShapeDebug=new ShapeDebug(640,480,0xffffff); private var napeDebugSprite:Sprite=new Sprite(); private var isHooked:Boolean=false; public function Main():void { // this is the ground addBox(320,480,640,20,BodyType.STATIC); // let's add some random stuff for (var i:Number=1; i<=12; i++) { addBox(Math.random()*600+20,Math.random()*300,Math.random()*30+15,Math.random()*30+15,BodyType.STATIC); } // and finally the hero hero=addBox(320,460,20,20,BodyType.DYNAMIC); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,update); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,fireHook); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,releaseHook); addChild(napeDebugSprite); debug.drawConstraints=true; napeDebugSprite.addChild(debug.display); } private function fireHook(e:MouseEvent):void { // when firing the hook, let's remove old joints, if any if (distanceJoint) { napeWorld.constraints.remove(distanceJoint); } // checking the body under the mouse; var bodies:BodyList=napeWorld.bodiesUnderPoint(new Vec2(mouseX,mouseY)); if (bodies.length==1) { // if I have a body under the mouse, I create a distance joint between the hero and the body itself var; if (body.isStatic()) { distanceJoint=new DistanceJoint(body,hero,new Vec2(0,0),new Vec2(0,0),0,Vec2.distance(body.position,hero.position));; isHooked=true } } } private function releaseHook(e:MouseEvent):void { // if I release the mouse, I destroy the distance joint if (distanceJoint) { napeWorld.constraints.remove(distanceJoint); isHooked=false; } } private function manageHook():void{ // as long as the hook is active, I shorten a bit joint distance if (isHooked) { distanceJoint.jointMax=distanceJoint.jointMax*0.99 } } private function addBox(pX:Number,pY:Number,w:Number,h:Number,bodyType:BodyType):Body { var body:Body=new Body(bodyType,new Vec2(pX,pY)); var polygon:Polygon=new Polygon(,h)); polygon.material.elasticity=0.5; polygon.material.density=1; polygon.material.staticFriction=0; body.shapes.add(polygon);; return body; } private function update(e:Event):void { napeWorld.step(1/30,10,10); manageHook() debug.clear(); debug.draw(napeWorld); debug.flush(); } } }
And this is the result:
Click and hold your mouse over a static body to create a hook and rewind it, release mouse button to destroy the hook. Try to swing like a tarzan geek, again
Download the source code. Which one would you use? Nape or Box2D?
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