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Talking about Blogging and WordPress.

This is one of the last days you can see this blog as you know it. For the first time since I started bloggin, back in 2006, I am going to use a premium theme rather than a free theme modified by me.

My choice is X theme. Why? Because choosing a complete, battle tested theme like X, will prevent me to re-invent the wheel and only focus on what’s a WordPress theme meant for: blogging.


I have to change the current theme because I have too much content in it, and although I am a bit overwhelmed by X features and options, I believe I will manage to end with something which will give focus to my tutorials, my games, my books and my source code for sale.

I am currently playing with it, and the switch is due before the end of the year, so as soon as I will change the theme, I am expecting some feedback from you.

Also, although I already bought X, if you know some other premium theme which can fit to my needs, feel free to point it to my attention.

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