Talking about Blogging and PROgramming.
Every travel can be the best travel ever if you choose the right travelmates.
In this photo, my travelmates
Let’s see them:
1) An iPhone, with some interesting apps to kill some time during a 11 hours flight
2) Sony Bloggie camera. High definition MP4 video, 5-megapixel still photos, USB arm, 270-degree swivel lens. Apart from that, decent videos with a pocket camera
3) Electric plug adapters… because sometimes batteries need to be recharged
4) Olympus TOUGH-3000… 12 Megapixels, waterproof to 3m, shockproof to 1.5m and freezeproof to -10°C (quite useless in Cuba anyway…)
5) Sony Handycam full HD with 40Gb hard disk… bigger than the Bloggie but with a lot better video quality… for the “really interesting events”
6) Nintendo Dsi + Zelda Spirit Tracks… you know… an 11 hours flight…. back and forth…
7) 16Gb USB Key… with all my stuff
8) Internet key… because I hate to wait at the airport (and no, no free WiFi in Italy)
9) Entry level MacBook Pro… I still don’t love Macs… but I don’t hate them anymore
10) The camera used to take this shot… a Sony Cybershot
11) A Lonsdale backpack to make all this stuff fit without problems
These are my travelmates. I would like to know yours
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