Finding adjacent cells in an hex map – part 2

Talking about Hexagonal Tiles game, Actionscript 2, Flash and Game development.

In the Finding adjacent cells in an hex map post I showed you how to find adjacent cells in horizontal hex maps.

Now it’s time to find adjacent cells in vertical hex maps.

hexagon_width = 44;
hexagon_height = 38;
grid_x_size = 10;
grid_y_size = 12;
sector_width = hexagon_width/4*3;
sector_height = hexagon_height;
gradient = (hexagon_width/4)/(hexagon_height/2);
for (x=0; x=hexagon_height/2) {
				if (delta_sector_x>(hexagon_width/2-delta_sector_y*gradient)) {
					real_x = sector_x;
					real_y = sector_y;
				else {
					real_x = sector_x-1;
					real_y = sector_y;
			else {
				if (delta_sector_x=0) and (real_x=0) and (real_y

Here it is:

This is the last uncommented step, during next one we will discuss about the method used to determine adjacent cells.

Download and enjoy!!