Talking about 2048 game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Some days ago I showed you ho to create a jQuery-only working game like “Threes” (or “1024?, or “2048?, or…). Now it’s time to do the same game using HTML5 with Phaser framework.
It’s very easy to create tweens and animations, so here what you are about to create:
Play with WASD keys and try to get to 2048, or even higher!!
Before I show you the complete and fully commented source code, keep in mind I used only a white PNG image for the tile and I am storing game field values into a one-dimensional array.
By studying this script you will learn these 10 principles:
* Load graphic assets
* Create Sprites
* Create texts and assign them a style
* Add and remove Sprites to the stage, both as standalone Sprites or as children of existing sprites
* Create Groups
* Sort and loop through groups
* Handle keyboard input
* Create animations using tweens
* Manage callbacks
* Apply color filters to Sprites
A lot of stuff for such a simple game! Here we go:
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="phaser.min.js"></script> <style> body{margin:0} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { // tile width, in pixels var tileSize = 100; // creation of a new phaser game, with a proper width and height according to tile size var game = new Phaser.Game(tileSize*4,tileSize*4,Phaser.CANVAS,"",{preload:onPreload, create:onCreate}); // game array, starts with all cells to zero var fieldArray = new Array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); // this is the group which will contain all tile sprites var tileSprites; // variables to handle keyboard input var upKey; var downKey; var leftKey; var rightKey; // colors to tint tiles according to their value var colors = { 2:0xFFFFFF, 4:0xFFEEEE, 8:0xFFDDDD, 16:0xFFCCCC, 32:0xFFBBBB, 64:0xFFAAAA, 128:0xFF9999, 256:0xFF8888, 512:0xFF7777, 1024:0xFF6666, 2048:0xFF5555, 4096:0xFF4444, 8192:0xFF3333, 16384:0xFF2222, 32768:0xFF1111, 65536:0xFF0000 } // at the beginning of the game, the player cannot move var canMove=false; // THE GAME IS PRELOADING function onPreload() { // preload the only image we are using in the game game.load.image("tile", "tile.png"); } // THE GAME HAS BEEN CREATED function onCreate() { // listeners for WASD keys upKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.W); upKey.onDown.add(moveUp,this); downKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.S); downKey.onDown.add(moveDown,this); leftKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.A); leftKey.onDown.add(moveLeft,this); rightKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.D); rightKey.onDown.add(moveRight,this); // sprite group declaration tileSprites =; // at the beginning of the game we add two "2" addTwo(); addTwo(); } // A NEW "2" IS ADDED TO THE GAME function addTwo(){ // choosing an empty tile in the field do{ var randomValue = Math.floor(Math.random()*16); } while (fieldArray[randomValue]!=0) // such empty tile now takes "2" value fieldArray[randomValue]=2; // creation of a new sprite with "tile" instance, that is "tile.png" we loaded before var tile = game.add.sprite(toCol(randomValue)*tileSize,toRow(randomValue)*tileSize,"tile"); // creation of a custom property "pos" and assigning it the index of the newly added "2" tile.pos = randomValue; // at the beginning the tile is completely transparent tile.alpha=0; // creation of a text which will represent the value of the tile var text = game.add.text(tileSize/2,tileSize/2,"2",{font:"bold 16px Arial",align:"center"}); // setting text anchor in the horizontal and vertical center text.anchor.set(0.5); // adding the text as a child of tile sprite tile.addChild(text); // adding tile sprites to the group tileSprites.add(tile); // creation of a new tween for the tile sprite var fadeIn = game.add.tween(tile); // the tween will make the sprite completely opaque in 250 milliseconds{alpha:1},250); // tween callback fadeIn.onComplete.add(function(){ // updating tile numbers. This is not necessary the 1st time, anyway updateNumbers(); // now I can move canMove=true; }) // starting the tween fadeIn.start(); } // GIVING A NUMBER IN A 1-DIMENSION ARRAY, RETURNS THE ROW function toRow(n){ return Math.floor(n/4); } // GIVING A NUMBER IN A 1-DIMENSION ARRAY, RETURNS THE COLUMN function toCol(n){ return n%4; } // THIS FUNCTION UPDATES THE NUMBER AND COLOR IN EACH TILE function updateNumbers(){ // look how I loop through all tiles tileSprites.forEach(function(item){ // retrieving the proper value to show var value = fieldArray[item.pos]; // showing the value item.getChildAt(0).text=value; // tinting the tile item.tint=colors[value] }); } // MOVING TILES LEFT function moveLeft(){ // Is the player allowed to move? if(canMove){ // the player can move, let's set "canMove" to false to prevent moving again until the move process is done canMove=false; // keeping track if the player moved, i.e. if it's a legal move var moved = false; // look how I can sort a group ordering it by a property tileSprites.sort("x",Phaser.Group.SORT_ASCENDING); // looping through each element in the group tileSprites.forEach(function(item){ // getting row and column starting from a one-dimensional array var row = toRow(item.pos); var col = toCol(item.pos); // checking if we aren't already on the leftmost column (the tile can't move) if(col>0){ // setting a "remove" flag to false. Sometimes you have to remove tiles, when two merge into one var remove = false; // looping from column position back to the leftmost column for(i=col-1;i>=0;i--){ // if we find a tile which is not empty, our search is about to end... if(fieldArray[row*4+i]!=0){ // ...we just have to see if the tile we are landing on has the same value of the tile we are moving if(fieldArray[row*4+i]==fieldArray[row*4+col]){ // in this case the current tile will be removed remove = true; i--; } break; } } // if we can actually move... if(col!=i+1){ // set moved to true moved=true; // moving the tile "item" from row*4+col to row*4+i+1 and (if allowed) remove it moveTile(item,row*4+col,row*4+i+1,remove); } } }); // completing the move endMove(moved); } } // FUNCTION TO COMPLETE THE MOVE AND PLACE ANOTHER "2" IF WE CAN function endMove(m){ // if we move the tile... if(m){ // add another "2" addTwo(); } else{ // otherwise just let the player be able to move again canMove=true; } } // FUNCTION TO MOVE A TILE function moveTile(tile,from,to,remove){ // first, we update the array with new values fieldArray[to]=fieldArray[from]; fieldArray[from]=0; tile.pos=to; // then we create a tween var movement = game.add.tween(tile);{x:tileSize*(toCol(to)),y:tileSize*(toRow(to))},150); if(remove){ // if the tile has to be removed, it means the destination tile must be multiplied by 2 fieldArray[to]*=2; // at the end of the tween we must destroy the tile movement.onComplete.add(function(){ tile.destroy(); }); } // let the tween begin! movement.start(); } // MOVING TILES UP - SAME PRINCIPLES AS BEFORE function moveUp(){ if(canMove){ canMove=false; var moved=false; tileSprites.sort("y",Phaser.Group.SORT_ASCENDING); tileSprites.forEach(function(item){ var row = toRow(item.pos); var col = toCol(item.pos); if(row>0){ var remove=false; for(i=row-1;i>=0;i--){ if(fieldArray[i*4+col]!=0){ if(fieldArray[i*4+col]==fieldArray[row*4+col]){ remove = true; i--; } break } } if(row!=i+1){ moved=true; moveTile(item,row*4+col,(i+1)*4+col,remove); } } }); endMove(moved); } } // MOVING TILES RIGHT - SAME PRINCIPLES AS BEFORE function moveRight(){ if(canMove){ canMove=false; var moved=false; tileSprites.sort("x",Phaser.Group.SORT_DESCENDING); tileSprites.forEach(function(item){ var row = toRow(item.pos); var col = toCol(item.pos); if(col<3){ var remove = false; for(i=col+1;i<=3;i++){ if(fieldArray[row*4+i]!=0){ if(fieldArray[row*4+i]==fieldArray[row*4+col]){ remove = true; i++; } break } } if(col!=i-1){ moved=true; moveTile(item,row*4+col,row*4+i-1,remove); } } }); endMove(moved); } } // MOVING TILES DOWN - SAME PRINCIPLES AS BEFORE function moveDown(){ if(canMove){ canMove=false; var moved=false; tileSprites.sort("y",Phaser.Group.SORT_DESCENDING); tileSprites.forEach(function(item){ var row = toRow(item.pos); var col = toCol(item.pos); if(row<3){ var remove = false; for(i=row+1;i<=3;i++){ if(fieldArray[i*4+col]!=0){ if(fieldArray[i*4+col]==fieldArray[row*4+col]){ remove = true; i++; } break } } if(row!=i-1){ moved=true; moveTile(item,row*4+col,(i-1)*4+col,remove); } } }); endMove(moved); } } }; </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
As usual, you can download the source code of the game with all required libraries
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