New minibook released: Create HTML5 vertical endless runner cross platform games

Talking about Game development, HTML5, Javascript, Monetize and Phaser.

Some months ago I released my first indie minibook From null to full HTML5 cross platform game just to test the differences between writing a book for a publisher Vs self publishing a book and I was really surprised how good it performed and for the awesome feedback I received.

Today I am ready to show a brand new minibook about a topic I am sure you will find really interesing: Create HTML5 vertical endless runner cross platform games.

I am calling it “minibook” but it’s not that “mini” since it already counts 143 pages, with more to come with free updates about a game trend which is gaining more and more popularity.

As the title suggests, I will take you by hand through the creation of two endless runner games like Rise Above and 2 Cars using Phaser framework, not only showing you how to code any single feature of both games, but even adding room for improvement and customization.

Do you want to have a look at the games you are learning to make? They are the remake of the iOS blockbuster Rise Above game by Norman Rozental and 2 Cars by Ketchapp Studio. You may need to click or tap on the games to make them start

During these months I published more than 130 Phaser tutorials and prototypes – not to mention my previous book – but this is the most detailed guide about the making of a game.

Through 143 pages and 48 source code examples you will learn even the smallest detail in the making of a vertical endless runner game, have a look at the content:

By the end of the book, you will have two complete vertical endless runner games made by you, and a lot of experience in game development.

I tried to put all the experience I made in the making of my previous books into this one, and I am sure you will find it easy and useful. I am sure you won’t find a book covering more in depth the creation of these kind of games.

The book is for every audience, from novice JavaScript users which will be taken by hand to advanced developers looking for some tricks using Phaser framework.