Talking about Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Time to add another feature to the HTML5 level select screen controlled by swipe made with Phaser. I started with the post Create a HTML5 level select screen controlled by swipe without actually checking for swipes and added a feature to actually select a level, now it’s time to add another important feature to our level select screen: navigation with page thumbnails. I am going to add those little dots you usually see in the bottom of level select screens which allow the player to jump to a given page. As usual, the final example is worth more than a thousand words: Swipe pages, select levels or directly level pages with bottom buttons. Everything will work like a professional level select screen is supposed to. The whole script is quite simple and I am also start adding comments:
var game;
// colors is actually the array of level pages
var colors = ["0xffffff","0xff0000","0x00ff00","0x0000ff","0xffff00"];
// columns of thumbnails in each page
var columns = 3;
// rows of thumbnails in each page
var rows = 4;
// thumbnail width, in pixels
var thumbWidth = 60;
// thumbnail height, in pizels
var thumbHeight = 60;
// empty space between two thumbnails, in pixels
var spacing = 20;
window.onload = function() {
// creating a 320x480 pixels game and executing PlayGame state
game = new Phaser.Game(320, 480, Phaser.AUTO, "");
game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame);
var playGame = function(game){};
playGame.prototype = {
preload: function(){
// level thumbnail
game.load.image("levelthumb", "levelthumb.png");
// level pages at the bottom
game.load.image("levelpages", "levelpages.png");
// transparent background used to scroll
game.load.image("transp", "transp.png");
create: function(){
// setting game background color
game.stage.backgroundColor = "#222222";
// just a text placed on the top of the stage to show level page
this.pageText = game.add.text(game.width / 2, 16, "Swipe to select level page (1 / " + colors.length + ")", {font: "18px Arial", fill: "#ffffff"})
// the tiled transparent sprite, covering the entire scrollable area which width is (number of pages) * (game width)
this.scrollingMap = game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, colors.length * game.width, game.height, "transp");
// this is how we tell Phaser the sprite can receive inputs
this.scrollingMap.inputEnabled = true;
// the sprite can be dragged
// the sprite can't be dragged vertically
this.scrollingMap.input.allowVerticalDrag = false;
// this is the bounding box which defines dragging limits
this.scrollingMap.input.boundsRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.width - this.scrollingMap.width, game.height - this.scrollingMap.height, this.scrollingMap.width * 2 - game.width, this.scrollingMap.height * 2 - game.height);
// we start at page zero, that is the first page
this.currentPage = 0;
// this will be the array of page thumbnails
this.pageSelectors = [];
// determining row length according to thumbnail width, spacing and number of columns
var rowLength = thumbWidth * columns + spacing * (columns - 1);
// left margin is set to every row is centered in the stage
var leftMargin = (game.width - rowLength) / 2;
// same concept applies to column height and top margin
var colHeight = thumbHeight * rows + spacing * (rows - 1);
var topMargin = (game.height - colHeight) / 2;
// looping through all pages
for(var k = 0; k < colors.length; k++){
// looping through all columns
for(var i = 0; i < columns; i++){
// looping through all rows
for(var j = 0; j < rows; j++){
// adding level thumbnail
var thumb = game.add.image(k * game.width + leftMargin + i * (thumbWidth + spacing), topMargin + j * (thumbHeight + spacing), "levelthumb");
// setting tint color according to page cumber
thumb.tint = colors[k];
// each level has a number...
thumb.levelNumber = k * (rows * columns) + j * columns + i;
// which we are going to write inside the thumbnail
var levelText = game.add.text(0, 0, thumb.levelNumber, {font: "24px Arial", fill: "#000000"})
// level number is added as a child of level thumbnail
// level thumbnail is added as a child of scrolling map
// now it's time to place page thumbnail selectors, in a way they are centered on the stage
this.pageSelectors[k] = game.add.button(game.width / 2 + (k - Math.floor(colors.length / 2) + 0.5 * (1 - colors.length % 2)) * 40, game.height - 40, "levelpages", function(e){
// each page thumbnail once clicked will scroll the map by "difference" pages
var difference = e.pageIndex - this.currentPage;
// changePage will handle scrolling
}, this);
// each page selector is anchored on its center point
this.pageSelectors[k] .anchor.set(0.5);
// each page selector has a page index according to the page it refers to
this.pageSelectors[k].pageIndex = k;
// adding a tint color so we can see we will move to "red" levels if we click or "red" page, to "green" levels if we click on "green" page and so on
this.pageSelectors[k].tint = colors[k];
// this is just to highlight current page, making it bigger (actually we are making other pages smaller)
if(k == this.currentPage){
this.pageSelectors[k].height = 30;
this.pageSelectors[k].height = 15;
// when we start dragging, we just save horizontal map position, pointer){
this.scrollingMap.startPosition = this.scrollingMap.x;
}, this);
// the core of the script is when we STOP dragging, pointer){
// if there wasn't any scroll, we can say it wasn't a drag so the player clicked a level
if(this.scrollingMap.startPosition == this.scrollingMap.x){
// now we just have to check for all bounding boxes to see which level thumbnail has been clicked
// sadly, we can't use buttons or they won't allow to detect scrolling
for(i = 0; i < this.scrollingMap.children.length; i++){
var bounds = this.scrollingMap.children[i].getBounds();
if(bounds.contains(pointer.x, pointer.y)){
alert("Play level " + this.scrollingMap.children[i].levelNumber);
// we define 1/8 of the width of the page as the minimum amount of pixels scrolled to say the player
// wanted to swipe the page
if(this.scrollingMap.startPosition - this.scrollingMap.x > game.width / 8){
if(this.scrollingMap.startPosition - this.scrollingMap.x < - game.width / 8){
}, this);
changePage: function(page){
// here we move the scrolling map according to selected page
this.currentPage += page;
for(var k = 0; k < colors.length; k++){
if(k == this.currentPage){
this.pageSelectors[k].height = 30;
this.pageSelectors[k].height = 15;
this.pageText.text = "Swipe to select level page (" + (this.currentPage + 1).toString() + " / " + colors.length + ")";
var tween = game.add.tween(this.scrollingMap).to({
x: this.currentPage * -game.width
}, 300, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true);
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