“String Avoider” HTML5 game updated to Phaser 2.6.2
Talking about String Avoider game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
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var game
var gameOptions = {
// game width
gameWidth: 640,
// game height
gameHeight: 960,
// number of segments which build the tail
tailSegments: 300,
// lenght of each segment
segmentLength: 2
// when the window loads
window.onload = function() {
// game creation
game = new Phaser.Game(gameOptions.gameWidth, gameOptions.gameHeight);
// adding game state
game.state.add("TheGame", TheGame);
// starting game state
var TheGame = function(){};
TheGame.prototype = {
// when the state preloads
preload: function(){
// setting the game on maximum scale mode to cover the entire screen
game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
// preloading maze image, a PNG image with transparency
game.load.image("maze", "assets/sprites/maze.png");
// once the state has been created
create: function(){
// creation of a bitmap data with the same size as the game
this.bitmap = game.make.bitmapData(game.width, game.height);
// drawing "maze" image on the bitmap data
// updating bitmap data to let it have actual image data
// adding the bitmap data as a sprite
game.add.sprite(0, 0, this.bitmap);
// segments is the array which will contain string segments
this.segments = [];
// populating segments array with gameOptions.tailSegments Point
for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.tailSegments; i++){
this.segments[i] = new Phaser.Point(0, 0);
// we create a graphics instance called "canvas", we'll draw the string on it
this.canvas = game.add.graphics(0, 0);
// at each update
update: function(){
// clearing the canvas, ready to be redrawn
// setting line style to a 4 pixel thick line, red, 100% opaque
this.canvas.lineStyle(4, 0x00ff00, 1);
// the head of the string is current input position
var head = new Phaser.Point(game.input.x, game.input.y);
// placing the pen on the head
this.canvas.moveTo(head.x, head.y);
// the first segment is the head itself
this.segments[0] = new Phaser.Point(head.x, head.y);
// looping through all segments starting from the second one
for(var i = 1; i < gameOptions.tailSegments - 1; i++){
// determining the angle between current segment and previous segment
var nodeAngle = Math.atan2(this.segments[i].y - this.segments[i - 1].y, this.segments[i].x - this.segments[i - 1].x);
// calculating new segment position according to previous segment position and the angle
this.segments[i] = new Phaser.Point(this.segments[i - 1].x + gameOptions.segmentLength * Math.cos(nodeAngle), this.segments[i - 1].y + gameOptions.segmentLength * Math.sin(nodeAngle));
// getting the color behind the segment
var color = this.bitmap.getPixelRGB(Math.round(this.segments[i].x), Math.round(this.segments[i].y));
// if the color alpha is different than zero, that is it's not a transparent pixel...
if(color.a != 0){
// from now on, draw the string in red
this.canvas.lineStyle(4, 0xff0000, 1);
// drawing the segment
this.canvas.lineTo(this.segments[i].x, this.segments[i].y);
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