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Talking about 2048 game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

Last week I showed you the Phaser 3 version of 2048 game, using dynamic texts and keyboard control. I decided to remove dynamic texts to show tile values, and use a spritesheet like this one: Sure, you can only have numbers until 4096, but you can have more if you draw more tiles. It’s just to give you an example. Look at the game:
Use WASD keys, ARROW keys or swipe to move tiles. Tiles now also have a spacing to make the game look more polished, and tile value now refers to the frame shown. This means the array won’t contain anymore numbers representing powers of two like 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and so on, but 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. The concept does not change, but changes the way you display tiles. Now you can play using powers of two, Fibonacci sequence like in this game or completely random images. This can lead to big differences in game design, like the one I am going to show you during next days. Here is the source code, still uncommented because a bit redundant sometimes:
var game;
var gameOptions = {
    tileSize: 200,
    tweenSpeed: 50,
    tileSpacing: 20
window.onload = function() {
    var gameConfig = {
       type: Phaser.CANVAS,
       width: gameOptions.tileSize * 4 + gameOptions.tileSpacing * 5,
       height: gameOptions.tileSize * 4 + gameOptions.tileSpacing * 5,
       backgroundColor: 0xecf0f1,
       scene: [playGame]
    game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
    window.addEventListener("resize", resize, false);
var playGame = new Phaser.Class({
    Extends: Phaser.Scene,
    function playGame(){, {key: "PlayGame"});
    preload: function(){
        this.load.image("tile", "tile.png");
        this.load.spritesheet("tiles", "assets/sprites/tiles.png", {
            frameWidth: gameOptions.tileSize,
            frameHeight: gameOptions.tileSize
    create: function(){
        this.fieldArray = [];
        this.fieldGroup =;
        for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
            this.fieldArray[i] = [];
            for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
                var two = this.add.sprite(this.tileDestination(j), this.tileDestination(i), "tiles");
                two.alpha = 0;
                two.visible = 0;
                this.fieldArray[i][j] = {
                    tileValue: 0,
                    tileSprite: two,
                    canUpgrade: true
        this.input.keyboard.on("keydown", this.handleKey, this);
        this.canMove = false;
        this.input.on("pointerup", this.endSwipe, this);
    endSwipe: function(e){
        var swipeTime = e.upTime - e.downTime;
        var swipe = new Phaser.Geom.Point(e.upX - e.downX, e.upY - e.downY);
        var swipeMagnitude = Phaser.Geom.Point.GetMagnitude(swipe);
        var swipeNormal = new Phaser.Geom.Point(swipe.x / swipeMagnitude, swipe.y / swipeMagnitude);
        if(swipeMagnitude > 20 && swipeTime < 1000 && (Math.abs(swipeNormal.y) > 0.8 || Math.abs(swipeNormal.x) > 0.8)){
            var children = this.fieldGroup.getChildren();
            if(swipeNormal.x > 0.8) {
                for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
                    children[i].depth = game.config.width - children[i].x;
                this.handleMove(0, 1);
            if(swipeNormal.x < -0.8) {
                for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
                    children[i].depth = children[i].x;
                this.handleMove(0, -1);
            if(swipeNormal.y > 0.8) {
                for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
                    children[i].depth = game.config.height - children[i].y;
                this.handleMove(1, 0);
            if(swipeNormal.y < -0.8) {
                for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
                    children[i].depth = children[i].y;
                this.handleMove(-1, 0);
    addTwo: function(){
        var emptyTiles = [];
        for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
            for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
                if(this.fieldArray[i][j].tileValue == 0){
                        row: i,
                        col: j
        var chosenTile = Phaser.Utils.Array.GetRandomElement(emptyTiles);
        this.fieldArray[chosenTile.row][chosenTile.col].tileValue = 1;
        this.fieldArray[chosenTile.row][chosenTile.col].tileSprite.visible = true;
            targets: [this.fieldArray[chosenTile.row][chosenTile.col].tileSprite],
            alpha: 1,
            duration: gameOptions.tweenSpeed,
            onComplete: function(tween){
                tween.parent.scene.canMove = true;
    handleKey: function(e){
            var children = this.fieldGroup.getChildren();
                case "KeyA":
                case "ArrowLeft":
                    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
                        children[i].depth = children[i].x;
                    this.handleMove(0, -1);
                case "KeyD":
                case "ArrowRight":
                    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
                        children[i].depth = game.config.width - children[i].x;
                    this.handleMove(0, 1);
                case "KeyW":
                case "ArrowUp":
                    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
                        children[i].depth = children[i].y;
                    this.handleMove(-1, 0);
                case "KeyS":
                case "ArrowDown":
                    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
                        children[i].depth = game.config.height - children[i].y;
                    this.handleMove(1, 0);
    handleMove: function(deltaRow, deltaCol){
        this.canMove = false;
        var somethingMoved = false;
        this.movingTiles = 0;
        for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
            for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
                var colToWatch = deltaCol == 1 ? (4 - 1) - j : j;
                var rowToWatch = deltaRow == 1 ? (4 - 1) - i : i;
                var tileValue = this.fieldArray[rowToWatch][colToWatch].tileValue;
                if(tileValue != 0){
                    var colSteps = deltaCol;
                    var rowSteps = deltaRow;
                    while(this.isInsideBoard(rowToWatch + rowSteps, colToWatch + colSteps) && this.fieldArray[rowToWatch + rowSteps][colToWatch + colSteps].tileValue == 0){
                        colSteps += deltaCol;
                        rowSteps += deltaRow;
                    if(this.isInsideBoard(rowToWatch + rowSteps, colToWatch + colSteps) && (this.fieldArray[rowToWatch + rowSteps][colToWatch + colSteps].tileValue == tileValue) && this.fieldArray[rowToWatch + rowSteps][colToWatch + colSteps].canUpgrade && this.fieldArray[rowToWatch][colToWatch].canUpgrade){
                        this.fieldArray[rowToWatch + rowSteps][colToWatch + colSteps].tileValue ++;
                        this.fieldArray[rowToWatch + rowSteps][colToWatch + colSteps].canUpgrade = false;
                        this.fieldArray[rowToWatch][colToWatch].tileValue = 0;
                        this.moveTile(this.fieldArray[rowToWatch][colToWatch], rowToWatch + rowSteps, colToWatch + colSteps, Math.abs(rowSteps + colSteps), true);
                        somethingMoved = true;
                        colSteps = colSteps - deltaCol;
                        rowSteps = rowSteps - deltaRow;
                        if(colSteps != 0 || rowSteps != 0){
                            this.fieldArray[rowToWatch + rowSteps][colToWatch + colSteps].tileValue = tileValue;
                            this.fieldArray[rowToWatch][colToWatch].tileValue = 0;
                            this.moveTile(this.fieldArray[rowToWatch][colToWatch], rowToWatch + rowSteps, colToWatch + colSteps, Math.abs(rowSteps + colSteps), false);
                            somethingMoved = true;
            this.canMove = true;
    moveTile: function(tile, row, col, distance, changeNumber){
        this.movingTiles ++;
            targets: [tile.tileSprite],
            x: this.tileDestination(col),
            y: this.tileDestination(row),
            duration: gameOptions.tweenSpeed * distance,
            onComplete: function(tween){
                tween.parent.scene.movingTiles --;
                    tween.parent.scene.transformTile(tile, row, col);
                if(tween.parent.scene.movingTiles == 0){
    transformTile: function(tile, row, col){
        this.movingTiles ++;
        tile.tileSprite.setFrame(this.fieldArray[row][col].tileValue - 1);
            targets: [tile.tileSprite],
            scaleX: 1.1,
            scaleY: 1.1,
            duration: gameOptions.tweenSpeed,
            yoyo: true,
            repeat: 1,
            onComplete: function(tween){
                tween.parent.scene.movingTiles --;
                if(tween.parent.scene.movingTiles == 0){
    resetTiles: function(){
        for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
            for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
                this.fieldArray[i][j].canUpgrade = true;
                this.fieldArray[i][j].tileSprite.x = this.tileDestination(j);
                this.fieldArray[i][j].tileSprite.y = this.tileDestination(i);
                if(this.fieldArray[i][j].tileValue > 0){
                    this.fieldArray[i][j].tileSprite.alpha = 1;
                    this.fieldArray[i][j].tileSprite.visible = true;
                    this.fieldArray[i][j].tileSprite.setFrame(this.fieldArray[i][j].tileValue - 1);
                    this.fieldArray[i][j].tileSprite.alpha = 0;
                    this.fieldArray[i][j].tileSprite.visible = false;
    isInsideBoard: function(row, col){
        return (row >= 0) && (col >= 0) && (row < 4) && (col < 4);
    tileDestination: function(pos){
        return pos * (gameOptions.tileSize + gameOptions.tileSpacing) + gameOptions.tileSize / 2 + gameOptions.tileSpacing
function resize() {
    var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
    var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
    var windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight;
    var gameRatio = game.config.width / game.config.height;
    if(windowRatio < gameRatio){ = windowWidth + "px"; = (windowWidth / gameRatio) + "px";
    else{ = (windowHeight * gameRatio) + "px"; = windowHeight + "px";
There’s a lot of stuff you can do with this engine… stay tuned because I am going to show you more examples, meanwhile download the source code.

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