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Some days ago Sunil Changrani sent me a the script to manage multiple balls collisions with Flash, in AS2.

Now, it’s time for Andrew Cook to give us the AS3 version.

Hi Emanuele,

I’ve been coming to your blog for over a year now. I am doing a new game with Ball vs. Ball collision and turn to your tutorials for help. I am programming my game in AS3, so I reprogrammed the tutorial in AS3. I thought you might want to check it out. There are three files. The main .fla, a document class, and a Ball class.

Thank you for starting your great blog that helps developers like me all the time. I really appreciate the way you give back to the development community. Keep it up!

This is the script to solve collisions:

	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.display.Stage;
	public class BallCollision extends MovieClip
		private var mcBallContainer:MovieClip;
		private var nNumBalls:Number = 15;
		private var nStageWidth:Number = 500;
		private var nStageHeight:Number = 400;
		public function BallCollision ( ) : void
			mcBallContainer = new MovieClip ( ) ;
			mcBallContainer.x = mcBallContainer.y = 0;
			this.addEventListener ( Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler );
			for ( var i = 0; i < nNumBalls; i++ )
				var mcBall:Ball = new Ball ( Math.floor ( ( Math.random() * 12 ) - 4 ), Math.floor ( ( Math.random() * 12 ) - 4 ) );
				mcBall.x = Math.random() * nStageWidth;
				mcBall.y = Math.random() * nStageHeight;
				mcBallContainer.addChild ( mcBall );
		private function enterFrameHandler ( E:Event ) : void
			for ( var i = 0; i < mcBallContainer.numChildren; i++ )
				var mcBall1:* = mcBallContainer.getChildAt( i );
				for ( var j = i + 1; j < mcBallContainer.numChildren; j++ )
					var mcBall2:* = mcBallContainer.getChildAt( j );
					var nDistX:Number = Math.abs ( mcBall1.x - mcBall2.x );
					var nDistY:Number = Math.abs ( mcBall1.y - mcBall2.y );
					var nDistance:Number = Math.sqrt ( nDistX * nDistX + nDistY * nDistY );
					if ( nDistance < 20 )
						solveBalls ( mcBall1, mcBall2 );
		private function solveBalls ( MCBallA:MovieClip, MCBallB:MovieClip ) : void
			var nX1:Number = MCBallA.x;
			var nY1:Number = MCBallA.y;
			var nDistX:Number = MCBallB.x - nX1;
			var nDistY:Number = MCBallB.y - nY1;
			var nDistance:Number = Math.sqrt ( nDistX * nDistX + nDistY * nDistY );
			var nRadiusA:Number = MCBallA.width/2;
			var nRadiusB:Number = MCBallB.width/2;
			//var nRadius:Number = 10;
			var nNormalX:Number = nDistX/nDistance;
			var nNormalY:Number = nDistY/nDistance;
			var nMidpointX:Number = ( nX1 + MCBallB.x )/2;
			var nMidpointY:Number = ( nY1 + MCBallB.y )/2;
			MCBallA.x = nMidpointX - nNormalX * nRadiusA;
			MCBallA.y = nMidpointY - nNormalY * nRadiusA;
			MCBallB.x = nMidpointX + nNormalX * nRadiusB;
			MCBallB.y = nMidpointY + nNormalY * nRadiusB;
			var nVector:Number = ( ( MCBallA.nSpeedX - MCBallB.nSpeedX ) * nNormalX )+ ( ( MCBallA.nSpeedY - MCBallB.nSpeedY ) * nNormalY );
			var nVelX:Number = nVector * nNormalX;
			var nVelY:Number = nVector * nNormalY;
			MCBallA.nSpeedX -= nVelX;
			MCBallA.nSpeedY -= nVelY;
			MCBallB.nSpeedX += nVelX;
			MCBallB.nSpeedY += nVelY;

And this is the one to manage balls

	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	public class Ball extends MovieClip
		public var nSpeedX:Number;
		public var nSpeedY:Number;
		private var nStageWidth:Number = 500;
		private var nStageHeight:Number = 400;
		public function Ball ( NSpeedX:Number, NSpeedY:Number ) : void
			nSpeedX = NSpeedX;
			nSpeedY = NSpeedY;
			this.addEventListener ( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameHandler );
		private function onEnterFrameHandler ( E:Event ) : void
			this.x -= nSpeedX;
			this.y -= nSpeedY;
			if ( this.x >= nStageWidth - 10 )
				this.x = nStageWidth - 10;
				nSpeedX *= -1;
			else if ( this.x <= 10 )
				this.x = 10;
				nSpeedX *= -1;
			if ( this.y >= nStageHeight - 10 )
				this.y = nStageHeight - 10;
				nSpeedY *= -1;
			else if ( this.y <= 10 )
				this.y = 10;
				nSpeedY *= -1;

Enjoy the result

And download the source code

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