How to live forever

Talking about PROgramming and WordPress.

While you are reading this post, I’ll probably be in a long airplane trip to Cuba (guess how I am going to spend the hours onboard…).

Now let’s imagine I am inside this plane, and it crashes… I will probably die, and if not, I surely won’t be able to blog for a while.

Anyway, unless you listen to some TV news saying I died in a plane accident, you won’t notice it because next monday a new post will go live. Same thing for tuesday and so on.

That’s because I scheduled some posts for the next week.

Schedule posts for the years to come and you will live forever… just make sure someone pays for your domain renewal…

Quite ironic… reminds me something like “the show must go on”… if you want to contribute to the blog while I am away, read the guidelines at Blogging when you’re on holiday.