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Talking about Actionscript 3, Flash and Game development.

PixelBlitz Engine is an old game framework for Actionscript3 created by Richard Davey from Photon Storm.


As said, it’s not that new, there isn’t any documentation or tutorial or even a feature list.

So, you may wonder why should I write about it, considering it’s a bitmap-based framework just like Flixel, which has a better documentation.

Well, the main reason is the blog is mine :) … the second reason is PixelBlitz supports the Flash IDE, and this means you can use the library with Flash, while Flixel only supports Adobe Flex Builder or FlashDevelop.

In the downloadable package you can find at Google Code you can find some examples but they are incomplete… you will only find the .as files, without the .fla.

So I took the most promising example (in my opinion) and created a complete project, with the .fla file and all needed objects (well, just one object, but it’s everything you need to make it work).

This is the script, let the comments guide you through the entire process.

package {

	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.geom.Point;

	import com.normsoule.pixelblitz.core.Renderer2D;
	import com.normsoule.pixelblitz.effects.TrailsEffect;
	import com.normsoule.pixelblitz.elements.PixelSprite;
	import com.normsoule.pixelblitz.layers.RenderLayer;

	 * This example bounces 20 PixelSprites around the stage. Click on a PixelSprite and it will be removed.
	 * This demonstrates several of the basic ingredients in using the PixelBlitz engine: 
	 *create the main renderer, 
	 *create a renderLayer and add it to the renderer,
	 *create some PixelSprites and add them to the renderLayer,
	 *create and apply an effect to a layer,
	 *check mouse interaction using the getCollisionPoint method
	 *properly remove PixelSprites and make them available for garbage collection
	 * and lastly call the renderer.render() method to render the PixelClips to the screen
	public class pixelblitz extends Sprite {
		private const stageWidth:int = stage.stageWidth;
		private const stageHeight:int = stage.stageHeight;
		// main renderer
		private var renderer:Renderer2D=new Renderer2D(stageWidth,stageHeight);
		// renderLayer to hold the PixelClips
		private var layer:RenderLayer = new RenderLayer();
		// array to hold a reference to all of the PixelClips
		private var holder:Array = [];
		public function pixelblitz() {
			for (var i:int = 0; i < 20; i++) {
				// create 20 pixelClips
			// add the layer to the renderer
			renderer.addLayer( layer );
			layer.effect = new TrailsEffect();
			stage.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, update );
			stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseHandler );
			addChild( renderer );
		private function spawn():void {
			// create a new PixelSprite with the library linked symbol BoxHead
			var ps:PixelSprite = new PixelSprite( new BoxHead() );
			// center on the x axis
			// center on the y axis
			// assign a random x velocity
			// assign a random y velocity
			// add the PixelSprite to the layer
			layer.addItem( ps );
			// store a reference to the PixelSprite in the holder array
			holder.push( ps );
		private function mouseHandler( event:MouseEvent ):void {
			// loop backwards through the holder array to check the top-most clips first
			for (var i:int = holder.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
				// reference to each PixelSprite
				var ps:PixelSprite=holder[i];
				// check if the current mouse position is within a PixelSprite
				if (ps.getCollisionPoint(new Point(stage.mouseX,stage.mouseY))) {
					// remove the pixelSprite and clear internal data
					// destroy the reference to the PixelSprite to make it available for garbage collection
					holder.splice( i, 1 );
					// break out of the loop to avoid removing more than one per click
		private function update( event:Event ):void {
			for (var i:int = 0; i < holder.length; i++) {
				// grab a reference to each PixelSprite
				var ps:PixelSprite=holder[i];
				// bounce off of the walls
				if (ps.x+ps.width>stageWidth) {
					ps.vx=- ps.vx;
				} else if ( ps.x < 0 ) {
					ps.vx=- ps.vx;
				if (ps.y+ps.height>stageHeight) {
					ps.vy=- ps.vy;
				} else if ( ps.y < 0 ) {
					ps.vy=- ps.vy;
				// move on the x axis
				// move on the y axis
			// render everything

And this is the result:

click on the sprites to make them disappear

Download the source code, library included.

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