Play GuessNext for iPhone, a web app game powered by jQuery Mobile
Talking about GuessNext game, Game development, iOS, Javascript and Monetize.
Do you want to play a web app game for iPhone? Go to or use this QR Code
and play GuessNext for iPhone!
It’s the web remake of an old game I published on Kongregate more than three years ago, and it’s the perfect kind of game if you want to take the first steps into iPhone web app development.
During the next days I will explain in detail every (interesting) line of code, meanwhile have a look at the features:
* Powered by jQuery Mobile
* Optimized to be launched from Home
* Loading screen (only if played from Home)
* Custom icon when adding it to Home
* Reminder to add it to Home if the game is not launched from Home
* Smooth transitions between pages
* Best score saved locally
* In game Adsense ads
* Views and plays tracking powered by Playtomic
The game was built starting from the tutorials Making a game with HTML + jQuery Mobile and publishing it to Apple App Store step 1 and step 2, reading those tutorials will give you a lot of clues about the development of this game.
Your feedback is needed to improve a bit the game, to finally convert it into a native iPhone app. Also, I would like to know your best scores.
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