Win a new iPad, a Nokia Lumia 800 and licenses of CELL•SDK
Talking about Contests, Game development, iOS and Monetize.
No doubt 2012 is the year of the “create once publish on multiple devices” tools.
Cell•SDK is a framework for developers to build apps and games for iOS, Android and Windows Phone using C# and .NET technology.
Cell•SDK has launched Cell•App Awards its first contest for mobile apps and games developers.
You can participate the contest using the trial version of Cell•SDK to develop. You can download it here the new version 1.3 for Windows (Android and Windows Phone) or Mac (iOS). You can check here the version 1.3 releases and also the roadmap as they are already working on the next version 1.4.
Once you have downloaded Cell•SDK you must fill this form to register on the contest and then send them this subscription form to participate.
When’s the deadline for participation?
* Sept 1st 2012: inscription ending.
* Sept 15th 2012: Last day to send your App.
Voting Period
* Online voting period starts once you send your app and they upload it.
* Sept 25th: Online Voting period ends.
* Sept 26th – 30th: Specialized Jury consisting of specialized members of the sector will evaluate all the apps submitted on this period.
Prize giving
Oct 1st: The winners will be announced. Check the prizes:
1st Place: CELL•SDK All Platforms License + New Ipad + Nokia Lumia 800 + $250 Inmobi Ads Voucher + Microsoft MarketPlace Promotion
2nd Place: CELL•SDK All Platforms License + Nokia Lumia 800 + $150 Inmobi Ads Voucher
3rd Place: CELL•SDK All Platforms License + Nokia Lumia 800 + $100 Inmobi Ads Voucher
4th Place: CELL•SDK All Platforms License + $75 Inmobi Ads Voucher
5th Place: CELL•SDK All Platforms License + $75 Inmobi Ads Voucher
You can have a look at the participants so far and also there are three more participants who have sent the subscription form although not the applications yet… what will they develop with Cell•SDK?
If you need some help check their samples out.
Also available Tutorials and Video Tutorials to make you easier getting started with Cell•SDK
You can also purchase Cell•SDK here.
Now just develop with Cell•SDK and good luck!
Never miss an update! Subscribe, and I will bother you by email only when a new game or full source code comes out.