Create an HTML5 game like Space is Key with a lot of room for customization
Talking about Space is Key game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Last month I showed you a quick but fully customizable Flash prototype of the addicting game Space is Key by Christopher Jeffrey, you can see it in the post “Create a Flash game like Space is Key with a lot of room for customization“.
Now it’s time to see how to achieve the same result with HTML5, using Phaser framework.
This is what you are about to create:
Click on the stage to jump.
And this is the source code of the page. I tried to keep the same order and the same comments I used in the AS3 version
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="phaser.min.js"></script> <style> body{margin:0} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { // here we define a new 640x480 game, with three core functions: // onPreload to be executed when the game preloads // onCreate to be executed once the game is firstly created // onUpdate to be called every time the game us updated var game = new Phaser.Game(640,480,Phaser.CANVAS,"",{preload:onPreload, create:onCreate, update:onUpdate}); // the square!! the hero of the game var theSquare; // square's horizontal speed in pixels/frame var xSpeed=4; // square's jump height, in pixels var jumpHeight=40; // square's jump width, in pixels. xSpeed must divide jumpWidth var jumpWidth=120; // rotation performed at every jump, in degrees var jumpRotation=180; // time passed since the player started jumping, in frames var jumpTime=0; // is the player jumping? var isJumping=false; // simple degrees to radians conversion var degToRad=0.0174532925; // array containing all various floor y positions, in pixels var floorY=Array(92,184,276,368,460); // floor I am currently moving on var currentFloor=0; // floor height, in pixels var floorHeight=20; // x position where the level starts, in pixels var levelStart=0; // x position where the level ends, in pixels var levelEnd=640; // THE GAME IS PRELOADING function onPreload() { game.load.image("square", "square.png"); } // THE GAME HAS BEEN CREATED function onCreate() { // simply drawing all floors, as lines from levelStart to levelEnd, tickness floorHeight var floor =,0); floor.lineStyle(floorHeight, 0x440044, 1); for(i=0;i<floorY.length;i++){ floor.moveTo(levelStart,floorY[i]+floorHeight/2); floor.lineTo(levelEnd,floorY[i]+floorHeight/2); } // adding the hero theSquare=game.add.sprite(levelStart,floorY[currentFloor]-game.cache.getImage("square").height/2,"square"); theSquare.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); // event listener for mouse down game.input.onDown.add(jump, this); } function jump(){ // if we aren't jumping... then JUMP!! if (! isJumping) { jumpTime=0; isJumping=true; } } // THE GAME IS GOING TO BE UPDATED function onUpdate() { // temp variable to let us know if we are on an odd or even floor var mod=currentFloor%2; // updating square x position theSquare.x+=xSpeed*(1-2*mod); // if the square reached the end of the floor... if (theSquare.x>levelEnd&&mod==0||theSquare.x<levelStart&&mod==1) { // move onto next floor currentFloor++; // if we just finished the lowest floor... if (currentFloor>floorY.length-1) { // start the game again currentFloor=0; } // even or odd? mod=currentFloor%2 // we start on the ground isJumping=false; theSquare.rotation=0; theSquare.x=levelEnd*mod+levelStart*(1-mod); theSquare.y=floorY[currentFloor]-game.cache.getImage("square").height/2; } // if we are jumping... if (isJumping) { // calculating the number of frames we will be jumping var jumpFrames=jumpWidth/xSpeed; // calculating how many degrees should the square rotate at each frame var degreesPerFrame=jumpRotation/jumpFrames*(1-2*mod); // calculating how may radians we have to apply to sine trigonometry function to simulate player jump var radiansPerFrame=(180/jumpFrames)*degToRad // anohter frame jumping... jumpTime++; // updating rotation theSquare.angle+=degreesPerFrame; // updating y position theSquare.y=floorY[currentFloor]-game.cache.getImage("square").height/2-jumpHeight*Math.sin(radiansPerFrame*jumpTime); // if we jumped enough... if (jumpTime==jumpFrames) { // ... just stop jumping isJumping=false; theSquare.y=floorY[currentFloor]-game.cache.getImage("square").height/2; } } } function onRender(){ } }; </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
As you can see, it’s very easy to port your AS3 works in HTML5 using Phaser.
Download the source code with all needed libraries.
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