Create an HTML5 game like Space is Key with a lot of room for customization step 2: adding obstacles
Talking about Space is Key game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
This has been one of the most difficult post to write. I am currently on holiday and I have a really bad connection, anyway finally I managed to publish something, all in all I am a blogger and bloggers have to post!
Here we go with the second step of the HTML5 game like Space is Key with a lot of room for customization, this time we’ll be adding some random obstacles and manage collisions, covering groups and physics overlapping.
At this time, generated levels aren’t guaranteed to be solvable, this will involve some artificial intelligence to create levels according to game parameters such as jump speed, but I am definitively willing to do it, meanwhile here is what you have at the moment:
Click the mouse to make blue box jump, avoid obstacles.
And here is the commented source code, with new lines highlighted, created with Phaser Framework:
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="phaser.min.js"></script> <style> body{margin:0} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { // here we define a new 640x480 game, with three core functions: // onPreload to be executed when the game preloads // onCreate to be executed once the game is firstly created // onUpdate to be called every time the game us updated var game = new Phaser.Game(640,480,Phaser.CANVAS,"",{preload:onPreload, create:onCreate, update:onUpdate}); // the square!! the hero of the game var theSquare; // the spike!! hero's worst (and only) enemy var theSpike; // how many spikes are we going to add? var spikesAmount=10; // all spikes are going to be grouped here var spikesGroup//; // square's horizontal speed in pixels/frame var xSpeed=4; // square's jump height, in pixels var jumpHeight=40; // square's jump width, in pixels. xSpeed must divide jumpWidth var jumpWidth=120; // rotation performed at every jump, in degrees var jumpRotation=180; // time passed since the player started jumping, in frames var jumpTime=0; // is the player jumping? var isJumping=false; // simple degrees to radians conversion var degToRad=0.0174532925; // array containing all various floor y positions, in pixels var floorY=Array(92,184,276,368,460); // floor I am currently moving on var currentFloor=0; // floor height, in pixels var floorHeight=20; // x position where the level starts, in pixels var levelStart=0; // x position where the level ends, in pixels var levelEnd=640; // THE GAME IS PRELOADING function onPreload() { // loading player image game.load.image("square", "square.png"); // loading spike image game.load.image("spike", "spike.png"); } // THE GAME HAS BEEN CREATED function onCreate() { // simply drawing all floors, as lines from levelStart to levelEnd, tickness floorHeight var floor =,0); floor.lineStyle(floorHeight, 0x440044, 1); for(i=0;i<floorY.length;i++){ floor.moveTo(levelStart,floorY[i]+floorHeight/2); floor.lineTo(levelEnd,floorY[i]+floorHeight/2); } // adding the hero theSquare=game.add.sprite(levelStart,floorY[currentFloor]-game.cache.getImage("square").height/2,"square"); theSquare.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); // adding some spikes, first we declare the group; // the we create the spikes as sprites and randomly place them on the stage for(i=0;i<spikesAmount;i++){ var randomFloor=Math.floor(Math.random()*floorY.length) theSpike=game.add.sprite(Math.floor(Math.random()*400)+120,floorY[randomFloor]-game.cache.getImage("spike").height/2,"spike"); theSpike.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); // finally we add the newly created spike to the group spikesGroup.add(theSpike); } // event listener for mouse down game.input.onDown.add(jump, this); } function jump(){ // if we aren't jumping... then JUMP!! if (! isJumping) { jumpTime=0; isJumping=true; } } // THE GAME IS GOING TO BE UPDATED function onUpdate() { // temp variable to let us know if we are on an odd or even floor var mod=currentFloor%2; // updating square x position theSquare.x+=xSpeed*(1-2*mod); // if the square reached the end of the floor... if (theSquare.x>levelEnd&&mod==0||theSquare.x<levelStart&&mod==1) { // move onto next floor currentFloor++; // if we just finished the lowest floor... if (currentFloor>floorY.length-1) { // start the game again currentFloor=0; } // even or odd? mod=currentFloor%2 // we start on the ground isJumping=false; theSquare.rotation=0; theSquare.x=levelEnd*mod+levelStart*(1-mod); theSquare.y=floorY[currentFloor]-game.cache.getImage("square").height/2; } // if we are jumping... if (isJumping) { // calculating the number of frames we will be jumping var jumpFrames=jumpWidth/xSpeed; // calculating how many degrees should the square rotate at each frame var degreesPerFrame=jumpRotation/jumpFrames*(1-2*mod); // calculating how may radians we have to apply to sine trigonometry function to simulate player jump var radiansPerFrame=(180/jumpFrames)*degToRad // anohter frame jumping... jumpTime++; // updating rotation theSquare.angle+=degreesPerFrame; // updating y position theSquare.y=floorY[currentFloor]-game.cache.getImage("square").height/2-jumpHeight*Math.sin(radiansPerFrame*jumpTime); // if we jumped enough... if (jumpTime==jumpFrames) { // ... just stop jumping isJumping=false; theSquare.y=floorY[currentFloor]-game.cache.getImage("square").height/2; } } // checking for collision between the square and the group of spikes, and calling onCollision function if actors overlap game.physics.overlap(theSquare,spikesGroup,onCollision); } // at the moment if there's a collision we simply make the player restart from the last visited floor function onCollision(){ var mod=currentFloor%2; isJumping=false; theSquare.rotation=0; theSquare.x=levelEnd*mod+levelStart*(1-mod); theSquare.y=floorY[currentFloor]-game.cache.getImage("square").height/2; } function onRender(){ } }; </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
You can also download the source code with all required libraries
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