HTML5 Totem Destroyer fully working prototype using Phaser
Talking about Totem Destroyer game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
One of the frameworks I am using to release some HTML5 games is Phaser.
I already showed you how to include and use p2 physics with Phaser in the post quick HTML5 physics test with Phaser 2.0 and p2 physics, now it’s time to see something more complete and complex like a Totem Destroyer prototype.
If you are a long time reader, you should remember some old posts about this topic, like the AS3 full Totem Destroyer prototype and the complete HTML5 Totem destroyer engine using PhysicsJS.
Now it’s time to use Phaser to create the same thing.
By the end of this post, you will learn how to:
* Create static and dynamic bodies
* Attach images to bodies (actually is attach physics bodies to sprites)
* Destroy object with mouse click
* Handle collision listeners
* Use sensor bodies
Have a look at the result:
Click to destroy light-brown boxes, try to make the totem touch the ground or fly off the screen. Using sensors to detect when something is not on the screen is not the best practice available, but I needed a way to show you how to create sensors.
And this is the fully commented source code:
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="phaser.min.js"></script> <style> body{margin:0} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { var game = new Phaser.Game(728,640,Phaser.CANVAS,"",{preload:onPreload, create:onCreate}); var totem; // THE GAME IS PRELOADING function onPreload() { game.load.image("grass", "grass.png"); game.load.image("1x1_destroy", "1x1_destroy.png"); game.load.image("4x1_destroy", "4x1_destroy.png"); game.load.image("2x1_solid", "2x1_solid.png"); game.load.image("3x1_destroy", "3x1_destroy.png"); game.load.image("4x2_solid", "4x2_solid.png"); game.load.image("totem", "totem.png"); game.load.image("sensor", "sensor.png"); } // THE GAME HAS BEEN CREATED function onCreate() { // creation of large world bounds = new Phaser.Rectangle(-300, 0, 1328, 640); // adding P2 physics to the game game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.P2JS); // setting gravity game.physics.p2.gravity.y = 250; // building the totem var grass = game.add.sprite(364, 608, "grass"); // adding "unbreakable" property to assets we do not want to be removed grass.unbreakable=true; // naming grass sprite as "grass" to recognize it later on"grass"; game.physics.p2.enable(grass); grass.body.static=true; var brick = game.add.sprite(460, 544, "1x1_destroy"); game.physics.p2.enable(brick); brick = game.add.sprite(268, 544, "1x1_destroy"); game.physics.p2.enable(brick); brick = game.add.sprite(364, 480, "4x1_destroy"); game.physics.p2.enable(brick); brick = game.add.sprite(364, 416, "2x1_solid"); brick.unbreakable=true; game.physics.p2.enable(brick); brick = game.add.sprite(332, 352, "3x1_destroy"); game.physics.p2.enable(brick); brick = game.add.sprite(364, 256, "4x2_solid"); brick.unbreakable=true; game.physics.p2.enable(brick); totem = game.add.sprite(364,128, "totem"); totem.unbreakable=true; game.physics.p2.enable(totem); // now adding bound sensors, just a bit out of game bounds var sensor = game.add.sprite(-96,320, "sensor");"sensor"; game.physics.p2.enable(sensor); sensor.body.static=true;[0].sensor=true; sensor = game.add.sprite(824,320, "sensor");"sensor"; game.physics.p2.enable(sensor); sensor.body.static=true;[0].sensor=true; // listener for totem collision totem.body.onBeginContact.add(checkTotemCollision, this); // adding event listener for mousedown/touch event game.input.onDown.add(destroyBlock, this); } // MOUSE IS CLICKED function destroyBlock(pointer){ // getting the block we clicked on var bodyClicked = game.physics.p2.hitTest(pointer.position); if(bodyClicked.length!=0){ // if the body is not unbreakable... if(!bodyClicked[0].parent.sprite.unbreakable){ // destroy the block bodyClicked[0].parent.sprite.kill(); } } } // TOTEM IS COLLIDING ON SOMETHING function checkTotemCollision (body, shapeA, shapeB, equation) { if(body){ //check collision with the boundary sensors if("sensor"){ // writing a text var style = { font: "65px Arial", fill: "#ff0044", align: "center" }; var text = game.add.text(364, 90, "Oh, no!! Out of the stage", style); text.anchor.set(0.5); totem.body.onBeginContact.remove(checkTotemCollision, this); } // check collision with the ground if("grass"){ // writing a text var style = { font: "65px Arial", fill: "#ff0044", align: "center" }; var text = game.add.text(364, 90, "Oh, no!! On the floor!!", style); text.anchor.set(0.5); totem.body.onBeginContact.remove(checkTotemCollision, this); } } } }; </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
Phaser and p2 are a really explosive couple, stay tuned to see what I have for you next days, meanwhile you can download the entire project, images included.
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