HTML5 Drag and Match engine made with Phaser
Talking about Drag and Match game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
I like a lot the drag and match engine seen in 10000000 game, and I already developed this working prototype three times:
1) Creation of a Flash AS3 match 3 engine by dragging rows and columns rather than swapping items, made in AS3 with an 8 steps detailed tutorial.
2) Drag and Match engine like the one used in 10000000 made with Stencyl made with Stencyl.
3) Drag and Match engine like the one used in 10000000 game made with Construct2 made with the popular HTML5 game creation Construct2.
Today I am showing you the same prototype made with the awesome Phaser framework.
Here you can see the prototype, originally made at 320×320, upscaled to 500×500
To test in your mobile browser, you can also use this QRCode
The creation of this prototype was basically a porting of the AS3 version, with the only exception I used a sprite sheet to store images:
Here you can see the commented source code, but I recommend to read the post with the step by step creation first:
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="phaser.min.js"></script> <style> body{margin:0} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { var game = new Phaser.Game(300,300,Phaser.CANVAS,"",{preload:onPreload, create:onCreate, update:onUpdate}); // tile size, in pixels var tileSize = 50; // number of tiles per row/column var fieldSize = 6; // different kind of tiles allowed var tileTypes = 6 // are we dragging? var dragging = false; // row to move var movingRow; // column to move var movingCol; // array with all game tiles var tileArray = []; // x coordinate saved when the player starts dragging var startX; // y coordinate saved when the player starts dragging var startY; // horizontal distance travelled during dragging var distX; // vertical distance travelled during dragging var distY; // dragging direction var dragDirection = ""; // temporary tile var tempTile; // THE GAME IS PRELOADING function onPreload() { // loading the spritesheet with all tiles game.load.spritesheet("tiles","tiles.png",tileSize,tileSize); } // THE GAME HAS BEEN CREATED function onCreate() { // showing the game in full screen game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL; game.scale.setScreenSize(); // generating the game field for(i=0;i<fieldSize;i++){ tileArray[i]=[]; for(j=0;j<fieldSize;j++){ var randomTile = Math.floor(Math.random()*tileTypes) theTile=game.add.sprite(j*tileSize,i*tileSize,"tiles"); // "frame" and "value" are custom attributes theTile.frame = randomTile; theTile.value = randomTile; tileArray[i][j]=theTile; } } // at this time we also create temporary tiles tempTile = game.add.sprite(0,0,"tiles"); tempTile.visible = false; // listener for input down game.input.onDown.add(pickTile, this); } // A TILE HAS BEEN PICKED function pickTile(){ // Saving input coordinates startX = game.input.worldX; startY = game.input.worldY; // Saving row and column numbers movingRow = Math.floor(startY/tileSize); movingCol = Math.floor(startX/tileSize); // now dragging is allowed dragging = true // updating listeners game.input.onDown.remove(pickTile, this); game.input.onUp.add(releaseTile, this); } // A TILE HAS BEEN RELEASE3D function releaseTile(){ // did we drag horizontally or vertically? switch(dragDirection){ case "horizontal": // determining how many tiles we shifted and adjusting game array // and tiles accordingly var shiftAmount = Math.floor(distX/(tileSize/2)); shiftAmount = Math.ceil(shiftAmount/2)%fieldSize; var tempArray = []; if(shiftAmount>0){ for(i=0;i<fieldSize;i++){ tempArray[(shiftAmount+i)%fieldSize] = tileArray[movingRow][i].value; } } else{ shiftAmount *= -1; for(i=0;i<fieldSize;i++){ tempArray[i]=tileArray[movingRow][(shiftAmount+i)%fieldSize].value; } } for(i=0;i<fieldSize;i++){ tileArray[movingRow][i].value = tempArray[i]; tileArray[movingRow][i].frame = tempArray[i]; tileArray[movingRow][i].x=i*tileSize; } break; case "vertical": // determining how many tiles we shifted and adjusting game array // and tiles accordingly var shiftAmount = Math.floor(distY/ (tileSize/2)); shiftAmount = Math.ceil(shiftAmount/2)%fieldSize; var tempArray = []; if(shiftAmount>0){ for(i=0;i<fieldSize;i++){ tempArray[(shiftAmount+i)%fieldSize] = tileArray[i][movingCol].value; } } else{ shiftAmount *= -1; for(i=0;i<fieldSize;i++){ tempArray[i]=tileArray[(shiftAmount+i)%fieldSize][movingCol].value; } } for(i=0;i<fieldSize;i++){ tileArray[i][movingCol].value = tempArray[i]; tileArray[i][movingCol].frame = tempArray[i]; tileArray[i][movingCol].y=i*tileSize; } break; } // let the player be able to pick and drag again dragDirection = ""; dragging = false; tempTile.visible=false; game.input.onUp.remove(releaseTile, this); game.input.onDown.add(pickTile, this); } // THE GAME IS GOING TO BE UPDATED function onUpdate() { if(dragging){ distX = game.input.worldX-startX; distY = game.input.worldY-startY; switch(dragDirection){ // dragging, but still looking for a direction case "": var dist = distX*distX+distY*distY; if (dist>25) { var dragAngle=Math.abs(Math.atan2(distY,distX)); if ((dragAngle>Math.PI/4 && dragAngle<3*Math.PI/4)) { dragDirection="vertical"; } else { dragDirection="horizontal"; } } break; // horizontal drag case "horizontal": tempTile.visible = false; tempTile.y=movingRow*tileSize; var deltaX = (Math.floor(distX/tileSize)%fieldSize); if (deltaX>=0) { tempTile.frame = tileArray[movingRow][fieldSize-1-deltaX].value; } else{ deltaX=deltaX*-1-1; tempTile.frame = tileArray[movingRow][deltaX].value; } for(i=0;i<fieldSize;i++){ tileArray[movingRow][i].x=(i*tileSize+distX)%(tileSize*fieldSize); if (tileArray[movingRow][i].x<0) { tileArray[movingRow][i].x+=tileSize*fieldSize; } if(distX%tileSize>0){ tempTile.visible = true; tempTile.x=distX%tileSize-tileSize; } if(distX%tileSize<0){ tempTile.visible = true; tempTile.x=distX%tileSize; } } break; // vertical drag case "vertical": tempTile.visible = false; tempTile.x=movingCol*tileSize; var deltaY = (Math.floor(distY/tileSize)%fieldSize); if (deltaY>=0) { tempTile.frame = tileArray[fieldSize-1-deltaY][movingCol].value; } else{ deltaY=deltaY*-1-1; tempTile.frame = tileArray[deltaY][movingCol].value; } for(i=0;i<fieldSize;i++){ tileArray[i][movingCol].y=(i*tileSize+distY)%(tileSize*fieldSize); if (tileArray[i][movingCol].y<0) { tileArray[i][movingCol].y+=tileSize*fieldSize; } if(distY%tileSize>0){ tempTile.visible = true; tempTile.y=distY%tileSize-tileSize; } if(distY%tileSize<0){ tempTile.visible = true; tempTile.y=distY%tileSize; } } break; } } } }; </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
There are a lot of games you can create out of this prototype, if you have a nice idea, let me know it and I will be happy do show it on the blog. Meanwhile, you can download the entire source code.
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