Talking about One Button Game game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Today I am showing you an HTML5 minigame prototype made with Phaser. It was built over the concept of A strange way to move the player with Flash I published more than seven years ago (time passes on planet earth).
The aim of the game is simple: you control the green circle with the rotating arrow. Once you press/tap the screen, arrow will stop its rotation and your power starts charging. You can see your power in the upper left of the screen.
Once you release touch/click on the screen, the green circle will move along arrow direction, according to the power you set.
Collect yellow circles and avoid red circles or you will die
If you die, you can restart the game clicking here
And this is the fully commented source code.
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="phaser.min.js"></script> <style> body{ margin:0; background-color:#444444; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { var game = new Phaser.Game(320,480,Phaser.CANVAS,"",{preload:onPreload, create:onCreate, update:onUpdate}); var ball; // the ball! Our hero var arrow; // rotating arrow var rotateDirection = 1; // rotate direction: 1-clockwise, 2-counterclockwise var power = 0; // power to fire the ball var hudText; // text to display game info var charging=false; // are we charging the power? var degToRad=0.0174532925; // degrees-radians conversion var score = 0; // the score var coin; // the coin you have to collect var deadlyArray = []; // an array which will be filled with enemies var gameOver = false; // flag to know if the game is over // these settings can be modified to change gameplay var friction = 0.99; // friction affects ball speed var ballRadius = 10; // radius of all elements var rotateSpeed = 3; // arrow rotation speed var minPower = 50; // minimum power applied to ball var maxPower = 200; // maximum power applied to ball // when the game preloads, graphic assets are loaded function onPreload() { game.load.image("ball", "ball.png"); game.load.image("deadly", "deadly.png"); game.load.image("coin", "coin.png"); game.load.image("arrow", "arrow.png"); } // function to be executed when the game is created function onCreate() { // center and scale the stage game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL; game.scale.setScreenSize(); // add the ball and set its anchor point in the center ball = game.add.sprite(,,"ball"); ball.anchor.x = 0.5; ball.anchor.y = 0.5; // ball starting speed ball.xSpeed = 0; ball.ySpeed = 0; // the rotating arrow, look at its x registration point arrow = game.add.sprite(,,"arrow"); arrow.anchor.x = -1; arrow.anchor.y = 0.5; // place an enemy placeDeadly(); // create and place a coin coin = game.add.sprite(Math.random()*400+40,Math.random()*240+40,"coin"); coin.anchor.x = 0.5; coin.anchor.y = 0.5; placeCoin(); // create and place the text showing speed and score hudText = game.add.text(5,0,"",{ font: "11px Arial", fill: "#ffffff", align: "left" }); // update text content updateHud(); // listener for input down game.input.onDown.add(charge, this); } // place an enemy function placeDeadly(){ // first, create the enemy and set its anchor point in the center var deadly = game.add.sprite(0,0,"deadly"); deadly.anchor.x = 0.5; deadly.anchor.y = 0.5; // add the newly created enemy in the enemy array deadlyArray.push(deadly); // assign it a random position until such position is legal do{ var randomX=Math.random()*(game.width-2*ballRadius)+ballRadius; var randomY=Math.random()*(game.height-2*ballRadius)+ballRadius; deadlyArray[deadlyArray.length-1].x=randomX; deadlyArray[deadlyArray.length-1].y=randomY; } while (illegalDeadly()); } // determine if an enemy position is illegal function illegalDeadly(){ // if the distance between the enemy and the ball is less than three times the radius, it's NOT legal if(getDistance(ball,deadlyArray[deadlyArray.length-1])<(ballRadius*3)*(ballRadius*3)){ return true; } // if the distance between the enemy and any other enemy is less than two times the radius, it's NOT legal for(i=0;i<deadlyArray.length-1;i++){ if(getDistance(deadlyArray[i],deadlyArray[deadlyArray.length-1])<(ballRadius*2)*(ballRadius*2)){ return true } } // otherwise it's legal return false; } // the function to place a coin is similar to the one which places the enemy, but this time we don't need // to place it in an array because there's only one coin on the stage function placeCoin(){ // assign the coin a random position until such position is legal do{ coin.x=Math.random()*(game.width-2*ballRadius)+ballRadius; coin.y=Math.random()*(game.height-2*ballRadius)+ballRadius; } while (illegalCoin()); } // determine if a coin position is illegal function illegalCoin(){ // if the distance between the coin and any ball is less than 2.5 times the radius, it's NOT legal if(getDistance(ball,coin)<(ballRadius*2.5)*(ballRadius*2.5)){ return true; } // if the distance between the coin and any enemy is less than three times the radius, it's NOT legal for(i=0;i<deadlyArray.length;i++){ if(getDistance(deadlyArray[i],coin)<(ballRadius*3)*(ballRadius*3)){ return true } } // otherwise it's legal return false; } // function to be executed each time the game is updated function onUpdate() { // the game is update only if it's not game over if(!gameOver){ // when the player is charging the power, this is increased until it reaches the maximum allowed if(charging){ power++; power = Math.min(power,maxPower) // then game text is updated updateHud(); } // if the player is not charging, keep rotating the arrow else{ arrow.angle+=rotateSpeed*rotateDirection; } // update ball position according to its speed ball.x+=ball.xSpeed; ball.y+=ball.ySpeed; // handle wall bounce wallBounce(); // reduce ball speed using friction ball.xSpeed*=friction; ball.ySpeed*=friction; // update arrow position arrow.x=ball.x; arrow.y=ball.y; // if the player picked a coin, then update score and text, change coin position and add an enemy if(getDistance(ball,coin)<(ballRadius*2)*(ballRadius*2)){ score += 1; placeDeadly(); placeCoin(); updateHud(); } // if the player hits an enemy, it's game over for(i=0;i<deadlyArray.length;i++){ if(getDistance(ball,deadlyArray[i])<(ballRadius*2)*(ballRadius*2)){ gameOver = true; } } } } // function to handle bounces. Just check for game boundary collision function wallBounce(){ if(ball.x<ballRadius){ ball.x=ballRadius; ball.xSpeed*=-1 } if(ball.y<ballRadius){ ball.y=ballRadius; ball.ySpeed*=-1 } if(ball.x>game.width-ballRadius){ ball.x=game.width-ballRadius; ball.xSpeed*=-1 } if(ball.y>game.height-ballRadius){ ball.y=game.height-ballRadius; ball.ySpeed*=-1 } } // simple function to get the distance between two sprites // does not use sqrt to save CPU function getDistance(from,to){ var xDist = from.x-to.x var yDist = from.y-to.y; return xDist*xDist+yDist*yDist; } // when the player is charging, set the power to min power allowed // and wait the player to release the input to fire the ball function charge(){ power = minPower; game.input.onDown.remove(charge, this); game.input.onUp.add(fire, this); charging=true; } // FIRE!! // update ball speed according to arrow direction // invert arrow rotation // reset power and update game text // wait for the player to fire again function fire(){ game.input.onUp.remove(fire, this); game.input.onDown.add(charge, this); ball.xSpeed += Math.cos(arrow.angle*degToRad)*power/20; ball.ySpeed += Math.sin(arrow.angle*degToRad)*power/20; power = 0; updateHud(); charging=false; rotateDirection*=-1; } // function to update game text function updateHud(){ hudText.text = "Power: "+power+" * Score: "+score } }; </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
You can also download the entire project, but I would like to know how would you expand the gameplay and what’s your best score.
My best score is 17.
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