The Quest: getting ONE MILLION game downloads on App Store

Talking about Game development, iOS and Monetize.

Almost eight years ago I started an experiment to try to monetize Flash games.

Before MochiMedia closed and its service were shut down, I managed to get more than 50 MILLION game loads.

Although I know there are games which made much more in much less time, it was quite an achievement.

Now I want to start another experiment, way harder than the previous. That’s why I called it a Quest.

I want to get to ONE MILLION game downloads on App Store. Counting only on the word of mouth and with no budget to create AAA games, it will be a real challenging Quest, but come on, I am confident.

Where to start? Well, from making interesting games to be sold at a low tier price – 0.99 or 1.99 – or downloadable for free with a couple of ads.

I will keep you up to date with a series of statistics about the games I publish, the price policy and how it’s going with the Quest.

Oh, and by the way if you want to be part of the Quest, here are the three games I already published in the App Store, I am sure you don’t have them on your iPhone yet:

Circle Chain, the iOS version of the first Flash game I ever made.

BWBan, an hard Sokoban game.

Globez, my only paid game at the moment.

Wish me luck and expect an update each time I release a new game, which hopefully should be quite often.